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I can play piano and drums. I want to own and learn how to play a keytar sometime, also :p
i thought there were only a hand full of people who played instruments here :D

I play french horn and trumpet, im beginning piano and basic cords
Saxamaphone, played for 2 years. just know how to play piano(just good enough). i can,but dont, play the trombone. Guitar, i know how to play a few strings. clarinet, guess you can say im learning it.

one thing i tried,dont know y, is the Flute. i hate it, i can never get sound. tried playing an oboe, nah
Not anymore.

When I was in Elementary school I played the Saxophone and Trombone.

I hated those days.
I could probably still play the viola if I got it out. (biggie size violin)

I'm not necessarily good/great, but I can play it.

also, post 700. yey.
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