Mafia IRC Mafia Quotes Thread

[00:27:33] <+gamora> im wearing red =////
[00:27:41] <+oath2order> !vote gamora RED FOR SCUM????
[00:27:42] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (2 to lynch) |||
[00:27:43] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || gamora - 2 (Superpenguin oath2order) |||
[00:27:43] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || gamora has been lynched. |||
[00:27:43] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || gamora was a Mafioso (mafia). |||
[21:51] <+Superpenguin> vote me im judas
[21:51] <+gamora> ok
[21:51] <+gamora> !vote Superpenguin
[21:51] <+Superpenguin> !vote Superpenguin
[21:52] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (2 to lynch) |||
[21:52] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Superpenguin - 2 (gamora Superpenguin) |||
[21:52] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Superpenguin has been lynched. |||
[21:52] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Superpenguin has been lynched! You all gang up on Superpenguin and take them down for this horrific crime. |||
[21:52] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Superpenguin was a Super-Saint (town). |||
[21:52] * MafiaTBT sets mode: -v Superpenguin
[21:52] * MafiaTBT sets mode: -m
[21:52] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Game over! Winners: (mafia: gamora) |||
[21:52] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || mafia: gamora (Mafioso) |||
[21:52] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || town: Superpenguin (Super-Saint) Tom29193 (Townie) |||
[21:52] <Superpenguin> NO I WAS SUPPOSED TO VOTE FIST!
-MafiaTBT- Role: Recruiter (mafia). You have a one-shot ability to recruit another player into the mafia, turning them into a Mafioso. This counts as the mafia kill the night you use it. If you die, the recruited player also dies. You win when you have majority and there are no other killers.
-MafiaTBT- Group abilities: mafiakill recruit (1 use)
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || It is night 0. Night ends in 90 s (or when all choices are in). Submit actions to MafiaTBT. |||
-> *mafiatbt* recruit gamora
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Please do not comment on the game in #belltree. This room is muted for a reason, and it's rude to #belltree chatters. |||
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Living players: elise- gamora tsundere VillageDweller |||
-MafiaTBT- Action confirmed.
-MafiaTBT- gamora has been recruited into the mafia.
* MafiaTBT sets mode: +vvvv VillageDweller elise- gamora tsundere
* MafiaTBT sets mode: -m
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Game over! Winners: (mafia: gamora tsundere) |||
<+gamora> hi
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || mafia: tsundere (Recruiter) |||
<+gamora> oh
<+tsundere> lol
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || town: elise- (Stoned Day Cop) gamora (Nightmare) VillageDweller (Warp) |||
<+VillageDweller> what
* MafiaTBT sets mode: -vvvv VillageDweller elise- gamora tsundere
<gamora> thx bestie
<tsundere> u won with me bestie =)
<VillageDweller> uh. okay.
<elise-> ...
<VillageDweller> LOL??
<elise-> l
<elise-> k
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[19:36:44] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || It is day 1. It takes 1 votes to lynch. |||
[19:36:45] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Living players: BellGreen BlueLeaf Cory Crystal elise- epona gamora oath2order tsundere |||
[19:36:53] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || A new King has been proclaimed! All hail King BlueLeaf! |||
[19:36:55] 22* 26MafiaTBT gives voice to 18BellGreen BlueLeaf Cory Crystal elise-
[19:36:56] 6<elise-6> NNo
[19:36:57] 22* 26MafiaTBT gives voice to 18epona gamora oath2order tsundere
[19:36:58] 6<elise-6> NO
[19:36:58] 6<BlueLeaf6> Wait wat
[19:36:59] 6<oath2order6> BlueLeaf stop changing your name
[19:37:00] 6<gamora6> hi im not skum
[19:37:00] 6<BlueLeaf6> Oh ok
[19:37:02] 6<Cory6> I'm not merchant i swear
[19:37:03] 6<BlueLeaf6> Sorry :(
[19:37:04] 6<Crystal6> hi
[19:37:04] 6<epona6> hello
[19:37:05] 6<elise-6> am i going to die
[19:37:07] 6<elise-6> :<
[19:37:13] 6<BlueLeaf6> Who is skumlord
[19:37:13] 6<gamora6> kill elise tbh
[19:37:18] 6<epona6> i am a peasant
[19:37:18] 6<oath2order6> It's day one lynch Crystal or Cory
[19:37:21] 6<BellGreen6> Hail BlueLeaf
[19:37:22] 6<elise-6> GAMORA U R SO BIASED
[19:37:25] 6<BlueLeaf6> !vote Crystal
[19:37:26] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (1 to lynch) |||
[19:37:26] 6<Cory6> bad idea oath
[19:37:27] 6<gamora6> true
[19:37:27] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Crystal - 1 (BlueLeaf) |||
[19:37:27] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Crystal has been lynched. |||
[19:37:27] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Crystal was a Kingmaker (town). |||
[19:37:30] 22* 26MafiaTBT removes voice from 18Crystal
[19:37:30] 6<BlueLeaf6> o
[19:37:30] 6<elise-6> OMFG
[19:37:31] 22* 26MafiaTBT removes voice from 18BellGreen BlueLeaf Cory elise- epona
[19:37:31] 6<oath2order6> <censored> ME
[19:37:31] 6<gamora6> HAHA
[19:37:32] 22* 26MafiaTBT removes voice from 18gamora oath2order tsundere
[19:37:35] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || It is night 1. Night ends in 90 s (or when all choices are in). Submit actions to MafiaTBT. |||
[19:37:37] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Please do not comment on the game in #belltree. This room is muted for a reason, and it's rude to #belltree chatters. |||
[19:37:40] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Living players: BellGreen BlueLeaf Cory elise- epona gamora oath2order tsundere |||

Actually ****ting myself.
16:59] <+elise-> !vote crystal
[16:59] <+BellGreen> I always say hm too lol
[16:59] <+elise-> cop
[16:59] <+elise-> googoggoo
[16:59] <+VillageDweller> elise bae
[16:59] <+elise-> OMFG
[16:59] <+elise-> VOTE HER PLS
[16:59] <+Cory> im human shield
[16:59] <+Crystal> im secret role
[16:59] <+BlueLeaf> um why
[16:59] <+VillageDweller> !vote crystal
[16:59] <+Cory> !vote Crystal
[17:00] <+oath2order> !vote Crystal yolo?
[17:00] <+BlueLeaf> !vote Crystal
[17:00] <+Crystal> omg cop in insane
[17:00] <+BellGreen> !vote Crystal L
[17:00] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (5 to lynch) |||
[17:00] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Crystal - 5 (elise- VillageDweller Cory oath2order BlueLeaf) |||
[17:00] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Crystal has been lynched. |||
[17:00] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Crystal was a Hidden Mafioso (mafia). |||
[17:00] * Parts: Crystal

rip crystal
+Superpenguin: lime
+oath2order: Dark blue
+elise-: WTF LIME
+Superpenguin: ew blue bye
+Superpenguin: ur mii was wearing lime!
+elise-: sis u
+elise-: did u just
+elise-: insulr
+elise-: insult
+elise-: blue
||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (2 to lynch) |||
||| MAFIABOT || oath2order - 1 (Superpenguin) |||
||| MAFIABOT || Superpenguin - 1 (oath2order) |||
+elise-: die
+Superpenguin: elise it's oath
+oath2order: my mii is wearing green sp
+elise-: !vote oath2order k
||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (2 to lynch) |||
||| MAFIABOT || oath2order - 2 (Superpenguin elise-) |||
||| MAFIABOT || Superpenguin - 1 (oath2order) |||
||| MAFIABOT || oath2order has been lynched. |||
||| MAFIABOT || oath2order was a Godfather (mafia). |||
[11:33:02] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Signups are over. 4 playing. Sending roles... (Setup: normal) |||
[11:33:02] -18MafiaTBT- Role: Bomb (town). If you die, you kill the player who killed you. (If you were lynched, this is the player who cast the final vote on you.) You win when all the bad guys are gone.
[11:33:06] 6<Cory6> :(
[11:33:09] 22* 26MafiaTBT removes voice from 18Cory Crys Superpenguin VillageDweller
[11:33:10] 22* 26MafiaTBT sets mode 24+m on 22#belltreemafia
[11:33:12] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || It is night 0. Night ends in 90 s (or when all choices are in). Submit actions to MafiaTBT. |||
[11:33:15] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Please do not comment on the game in #belltree. This room is muted for a reason, and it's rude to #belltree chatters. |||
[11:33:16] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Living players: Cory Crys Superpenguin VillageDweller |||
[11:33:42] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Waiting for all actions... |||
[11:33:56] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Cory has been killed. |||
[11:33:56] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Cory was a Bomb (town). |||
[11:33:56] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Crys has been killed. |||
[11:33:56] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Crys was a Mafioso (mafia). |||
[11:33:56] 22* 26MafiaTBT gives voice to 18Superpenguin VillageDweller
[11:33:56] 22* 26MafiaTBT sets mode 24-m on 22#belltreemafia
[11:33:56] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Game over! Winners: (town: Cory Superpenguin VillageDweller) |||
[11:33:57] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || mafia: Crys (Mafioso) |||
[11:33:58] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || town: Cory (Bomb) Superpenguin (Cop) VillageDweller (Friendly Neighbor) |||
[11:34:00] 22* 26MafiaTBT removes voice from 18Superpenguin VillageDweller
[11:34:00] 6<Cory6> cackling
[11:34:02] 6<VillageDweller6> oh
[11:34:05] 6<Crys6> omg
[11:34:06] 6<VillageDweller6> how cool
[11:34:08] 6<Superpenguin6> haha
[11:43:47] 6<Cory6> !xmafia top10 luigi
[11:43:49] -18MafiaTBT- 1 | Cory | 732 points | 34 wins, 22 losses, 6 draws

[12:43] <+elise-> l
[12:43] <+elise-> lel
[12:43] <+elise-> lel
[12:43] <+Crystal> my role changed
[12:44] <+gamora> UR LAFFING AT DEARTH
[12:44] <+VillageDweller> u scum elise?
[12:44] <+gamora> THATS SKUMMY UR SKUM
[12:44] <+gamora> !
[12:44] <+VillageDweller> ^^^
[12:44] <+gamora> !!VOTE ELISE-
[12:44] <+VillageDweller> TRUE
[12:44] <+elise-> crystal
[12:44] <+VillageDweller> !VOTE ELISE-
[12:44] <+elise-> what r u?
[12:44] <+gamora> !vote elise-
[12:44] <+elise-> whatthe <censored>
[12:44] <+Superpenguin> !vote elise-
[12:44] <+elise-> unvote
[12:44] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (3 to lynch) |||
[12:44] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || elise- - 3 (VillageDweller gamora Superpenguin) |||
[12:44] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || elise- has been lynched. |||
[12:44] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || elise- was a Milky Goo (town). |||
[12:44] * MafiaTBT sets mode: -v elise-
[12:44] * MafiaTBT sets mode: -m
[12:44] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Game over! Winners: (mafia: Crystal Superpenguin) |||
[12:44] <elise-> ugh
[12:44] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || mafia: Crystal (Eavesdropper) Superpenguin (Hitman) |||
[12:44] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || town: elise- (Milky Goo) epona (One-Shot Daykiller) gamora (Arms Dealer) VillageDweller (Overeager Roleblocker) |||
[12:44] <+Crystal> eavesdropper
[12:44] * MafiaTBT sets mode: -vvvv Crystal Superpenguin VillageDweller gamora
[12:44] <elise-> -_-

- - - Post Merge - - -


[21:14:10] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || It is day 1. It takes 1 votes to lynch. |||
[21:14:10] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Living players: Crystal gamora Kuma Mahou Mari |||[21:14:23] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || A new King has been proclaimed! All hail King Mari! |||
[21:14:23] * MafiaTBT sets mode: +vvvvv Crystal Kuma Mahou Mari gamora
[21:14:23] -MafiaTBT- You have gained an additional vote until the end of day. If you already had a vote, you can now vote twice: type '!vote [player] [player]'.
[21:14:28] <+Mari> AYYYY
[21:14:34] <+Mari> wsup bow 2 your king
[21:14:51] <+Mari> BOW TO ME
[21:14:52] <+Mari> :mad:
[21:14:54] <+Kuma> *bows*
[21:14:56] <+Mari> cries
[21:14:57] <+Mari> !vote kuma
[21:14:58] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (1 to lynch) |||
[21:14:58] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Kuma - 1 (Mari) |||
[21:14:58] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Kuma has been lynched. |||
[21:14:58] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Kuma was a Villain (mafia). |||
[21:14:58] * MafiaTBT sets mode: -v Kuma
[21:14:58] * MafiaTBT sets mode: -m
[21:14:58] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Game over! Winners: (town: Crystal gamora Mahou Mari) |||
[21:14:58] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || mafia: Kuma (Villain) |||
[21:14:59] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || town: Crystal (Peasant) gamora (Peasant) Mahou (Kingmaker) Mari (Peasant) |||
[21:15:01] <+Mari> LMAO
[21:15:01] * MafiaTBT sets mode: -vvvv Crystal Mahou Mari gamora
[21:15:01] <Mari> WHAT
[21:15:04] <gamora> what
[21:15:06] <Kuma> WOW
[21:15:07] <Kuma> WOW
[21:15:08] <Mahou> l
[21:15:08] <Mari> LOL
[21:15:08] <Kuma> WOW
[21:15:08] <Mahou> k
[21:15:10] <Mahou> lol
[21:15:18] <Mari> LOL WHAT THE HECK.
[21:15:18] <Mahou> mari i kinged u cuz ily@!!!!!!!!
[21:15:19] <Kuma> HOW THE <censored> DID YOU KNOW
[21:15:21] <Mari> ILY2 MAHOU
[21:15:23] <Mari> HAHAHA I HAVE NO IDEA
[21:15:29] <Mari> yolo
[21:15:30] <Mari> so hard

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<+tsundere> lynch me im scum
<+gamora> [censored] my god
<+gamora> oh ok
<+elise-> <Mari> crystal always claims cop as doctor...
<+tsundere> [censored]
<+gamora> !vote tsundere
<+elise-> hue
<+tsundere> rip my head..

<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || It is day 2. It takes 2 votes to lynch. |||
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Living players: gamora oath2order tsundere |||
<+tsundere> hi
<+oath2order> Well I'm Cop
<+gamora> its oath lol
<+oath2order> Um
<+tsundere> ok
<+gamora> !vote oath2order
<+oath2order> No you turd
<+tsundere> !vote oath2order
<+oath2order> oh my god
<+oath2order> no
<+gamora> !unvote
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (2 to lynch) |||
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || oath2order - 2 (gamora tsundere) |||
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || oath2order has been lynched. |||
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || oath2order was a Cop (town). |||
* MafiaTBT sets mode: -v oath2order
* MafiaTBT sets mode: -m
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || Game over! Winners: (mafia: Shiny tsundere) |||
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || mafia: Shiny (Roleblocker) tsundere (Mafioso) |||
<~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || town: Crystal (Doctor) elise- (Roleblocker) gamora (Townie) Mari (Vigilante) oath2order (Cop) |||
<+tsundere> lol
<+gamora> cries
* MafiaTBT sets mode: -vv gamora tsundere
<oath2order> YOU <censored> NOOB
<elise-> WTF
<Mari> huh
<elise-> WTF
<oath2order> wow gamora
<oath2order> wow
<gamora> I thought i cuald
<gamora> unvote..
<Mari> kallie even said they were scum
<Mari> and to lynch them bc their head hurts???
<Mari> ????????????????????????????????????
[16:51:58] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Living players: BlueLeaf Cory Crys elise- gamora Superpenguin TrundlePC tsundere |||
[16:52:06] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Waiting for all actions... |||
[16:52:43] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Waiting for all actions... |||
[16:52:56] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || BlueLeaf has suicide-bombed Cory! |||
[16:52:56] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || Cory was a Paranoid Suicide Bomber (mafia). |||
[16:52:56] 6<MafiaTBT6> ||| MAFIABOT || BlueLeaf was a Paranoid Suicide Bomber (town). |||
[19:22:03] <+BlueLeaf> Gg elise u lost
[19:22:08] <+Crystal> bl jumped
[19:22:11] <+elise-> !vote elise-
[19:22:12] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (3 to lynch) |||
[19:22:12] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || elise- - 3 (tsundere BlueLeaf elise-) |||
[19:22:12] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || elise- has been lynched. |||
[19:22:12] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || elise- was a Roleblocker (town). |||
[21:21:57] <+Crystal> !vote No lynch
[21:21:59] <+elise-> !vote nolynch
[21:22:00] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || VOTE COUNT (2 to lynch) |||
[21:22:00] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || No Lynch - 2 (Crystal elise-) |||
[21:22:00] <~MafiaTBT> ||| MAFIABOT || The town has voted for no lynch. |||
[21:22:00] * MafiaTBT sets mode: -vvv Crystal Mahou elise-

an ss3