01[15:00] <13marii> corruption. anarchy plz
13[15:01] * Jubs4 sets mode: +o marii
[15:01] <Purpl> just wanted to get kicked
[15:01] <04&Jubs4> god help us
[15:01] <04&Jubs4> anarchy
[15:01] <Makkine>
[15:01] <Amanda> my name is amy ko
01[15:01] <13@marii> BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL...
[15:01] <Purpl> marii give me voice
[15:01] <Makkine> [15:01] <Purpl> marii give makkine voice
01[15:01] <13@marii>
[15:01] <Kisstof> Kick purpl again
[15:01] <Andelsky> oh god, marii with he @? world is ending.
[15:01] <Andelsky> xD
[15:01] <Purpl> kick kisstof
[15:01] <Kisstof> No
[15:01] <Olive> heman ftw
[15:02] <Purpl> yas
[15:02] <Kisstof> She loves me
[15:02] <Andelsky> she loves everyone.
[15:02] <Andelsky> thats why shes a big-booty ho. <3
[15:02] <Makkine> she loves me more
[15:02] <Purpl> andel should get op
[15:02] <Kisstof> Marii
[15:02] <Tinaa> brb need wine
[15:02] <Kisstof> Think of the pick-up lines
[15:02] <Makkine> whoever does not like my jokes gets banned
[15:02] <Andelsky> lolol makki, marri married me 2 nights ago <3
[15:02] <Andelsky> btw. <3
[15:03] <Purpl> [15:02] <Tinaa> brb need to post day post
04[15:03] * Quits: Amanda (~TFlash@protectedhost-1CC10261.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Client exited)
[15:03] <Makkine> omg
[15:03] <Makkine> marii
04[15:03] * Quits: VillageDweller (~yolo@44EFB7.474585C4.C2C6DEC5.IP) (Ping timeout)
[15:03] <Tinaa> no i need wine. stuff your day post
[15:03] <Purpl> no
[15:03] <Kisstof> Jubs can I kick purpl?
[15:03] <Makkine> is this..tru..
[15:04] <Purpl> lets kick cory
[15:04] <Cory> no thanks
03[15:04] * Joins: Amy_ko (~TFlash@protectedhost-1CC10261.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
[15:04] <Olive> wb amy
[15:04] <Amy_ko> hi
[15:04] <Makkine> YES
[15:04] <Makkine> KICK CORY
[15:04] <Makkine> he never said sorry 2 m
[15:04] <Purpl> yeah
[15:05] <Purpl> he ate makkines blu rays
[15:05] <Cory> no1 curr
[15:05] <Purpl> unforgivable
01[15:09] <13@marii>
Session Close: Sat May 17 15:09:48 2014