IRC Quotes Thread

[15:12] <elise-> pls help
[15:15] <VillageDweller> with what
[15:15] <elise-> i overjellied my sandwich!!!!!
[15:15] <elise-> now it tastes disgusting
[15:15] <VillageDweller> how do yoi even dobthsy
[15:15] <VillageDweller> rhst
[15:16] <VillageDweller> tsyxidruIfidiypsvigifueq
[15:16] <VillageDweller> cogicjdtslhgivlvjxlbkc
[15:16] <VillageDweller> usigovtJfhshqwqofistwrphocnzyslglsid
[15:16] <elise-> wht
[15:17] <VillageDweller> its a representation of u eating your sandwich
[15:18] <elise-> .
talking about my stache

[21:38] <MozzarellaSticks> I will wax it in your sleep one day
[21:38] <MozzarellaSticks> Just one side
[21:38] <Javocado> It'll be like that episode of Drake and Josh
[21:38] <MozzarellaSticks> Like that Drake and Josh episode
<VillageDweller> i just said
<VillageDweller> lmao
<VillageDweller> lmaifdjdlhoddididhsagagGGgHhJAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
<elise-> . . .
<VillageDweller> PMG I FOUND CAOS LOCK
<VillageDweller> OMF
<VillageDweller> JDIFUDUFI
<elise-> i
<VillageDweller> Fj
<VillageDweller> FIFUDYFIFU
<VillageDweller> OMG
<elise-> are u ok
harry goes insane
oh wait.
he already is.
[12:50] * Joins: Natty
[12:50] <Benmjy> yo Natty <3
[12:50] <VillageDweller> natttyyy
[12:50] <Littlebeary> NATTYYY
[12:50] <Littlebeary> Hallo <3
[12:50] <elise-> natty :'(
[12:51] <Natty> BENMJY
[12:51] <Natty> HAROLD
[12:51] <Natty> MADDY!
[12:51] <Natty> elise
[12:51] <Yui-Z> Hiya Natty :)
[12:51] <Littlebeary> I GOT AN EXCLAMATION POINT
[12:51] <VillageDweller> harold?????
[12:51] <Littlebeary> YESSS
[12:51] <Natty> hi Yui c:
[12:51] <Natty> ok harry
[12:51] <Littlebeary> LEL
[12:51] <VillageDweller> ty
[19:41:05] 6<Horus6> husbandos are a thing, girls on the internet aren't tho
[19:41:07] 6<Redlatios6> i hate dawn of the planet of the apes
[19:41:09] 6<Shiny6> is it good?
[19:41:11] 6<Horus6> do you see the problem
[19:41:13] 6<Cory6> it is good
[19:41:20] 6<Annie6> girls on the internet dont exist
[19:41:24] 6<Benmjy6> o.o
[19:41:29] 6<Redlatios6> i dont like it
[19:41:31] 6<TrentTom6> Horus how do you explain Kayla
[19:41:31] 6<Annie6> elise, me..
[19:41:31] 6<Redlatios6> ʕ?ᴥ?ʔ
[19:41:34] 6<Annie6> we're not real
[19:41:56] 6<Horus6> I believe kayla was a genderless, asexual, humanoid
<tsundere> im going to play a zelda game just bc she can do music **** in this one
<TrentTom> Hi Potato
<tsundere> even tho i like know nothing about zelda
<TrentTom> Tsun that is sad
<tsundere> shut up its not as sad as your pathetic life
<Shiny> rekt
[22:51] <tsundere> elise do i name the next legacy child after u
[22:51] <Superpenguin> weirdo
[22:51] <tsundere> dont call me weird you duck fxcker
[20:25] <Littlebeary> we have a lot in common actually
[20:25] <Littlebeary> she has a cat
[20:25] <Littlebeary> My cats dead tho
<Pally> jubs is my fav staff tied with kaiaa
<Pally> :>
<tsundere> tom reblogs more from zuzu than me
<tsundere> im also offended
<@Thunder> ..pally :(
<Pally> what
<Vaati> So do the staff meet up in rl sometimes?
<@Thunder> after all we've been through
<tsundere> shut up thunder no one likes you
<Pally> youve never been my favourite
<Vaati> Yas
<Pally> for anything
<tsundere> pally is cool
<Pally> youre always my least favourite for everything
<@Thunder> im dead
* @Thunder ( has left #belltree
<+Bendalf> thunder i like you
<Vaati> Poor thunder all alone
<Javocado> fear not thunder for you are my fave
<tsundere> hahahahaha
<Javocado> : (
<Pally> LOL
<+Bendalf> i like like you a lot lot
<tsundere> what a noob
<tsundere> i hope he never comes back
<Pally> he left dumbdalf
<Pally> me too
<Vaati> ^
<Vaati> :/
<+Bendalf> pally why so cold
<+Bendalf> and he saw it before he left I know it