I only said what I though some realistic answers would be. You guys are still cool.
<Annie> i love the D
<tsundere> u both r white
<tsundere> and u both have curly hair
<tsundere> and u both are losers
<VillageDweller> wow
<Shiny> wow
<Javocado> wow
<Superpenguin> wow
<Cap> rood
<Javocado> smh
<elise-> [4:42:44 PM] what: harry is cute!!!!!! bye
<elise-> [4:42:51 PM] kallie: no
silly, she forgot me[18:10:52] <elise-> i can only crush on harry and kallie
She finally admits it. ♡
[18:10:52] <elise-> i can only crush on harry and kallie
She finally admits it. ♡
this is fake
I knew you'd say something like this, so I made sure to take a screen cap:
harry and a friend of minewho are you even comparing Harry to because I'm white, have curly hair and am also a loser.
[18:10:52] <elise-> i can only crush on harry and kallie
She finally admits it. ♡