IRC Quotes Thread

[19:27] <Yui-Z> [19:27:14] Zoeyzo ♫: cory are you my senpai?[19:27:22] Cory in da house: yes
[19:28] <Yui-Z> !!!! beat that horus!!!!!!!
[19:28] <Cory> hes not here

Horus!!! I found my senpai but you weren't there when I celebrated, so I captured the moment just for you. :)
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[18:46:09] <Superpenguin> omg Horus I cannot be in the irc with you if you are gonna type in a fifth grade mindset
<Mermaid> "9: best features and qualities? My sphincter muscle control
[14:47] <+Lauren> i love it when jav bites
[14:47] <+Lauren> makes me feel dirty
best quote 2014

<~Jubs4> thunder
<~Jubs4> have you heard about our lord and savior pizza?
<@Thunder> you mean cheesus crust?

Made my day.
[16:42] <@Kaiaa> Cory, what are you making your bento into?
[16:42] <Cory> idk
[16:42] <@Kaiaa> Make a starfish
[16:42] <@Kaiaa> with tiny eyes
[16:42] <crys> hello kitty
[16:42] <@Kaiaa> and a tiny smile
[16:42] <@Kaiaa> Then pull off his arms
[16:42] <@Kaiaa> and eat them
[16:42] <crys> omg
[16:43] <@Kaiaa> See, that?s why I can?t do bento. Cause if I make it into a character or something, I feel bad eating it. It watches me eat it :(
[16:43] <crys> dont starfish regrow limbs
[16:43] * Quits: crystal (Ping timeout: 961 seconds)
[16:43] <@Kaiaa> Yeah they do, maybe that?s why hes still smiling@
[16:44] <@Kaiaa> I can eat starfish bento now! Thanks crys :)
[16:44] <crys> your welcome
[16:44] <crys> *you'rw
[16:44] <crys> *yiu're
[16:44] <crys> omg
[16:44] <crys> *you're
[16:44] <@Kaiaa> You're
[16:45] <@Kaiaa> a
[16:45] <@Kaiaa> nice
[16:45] <@Kaiaa> person :)
[16:45] <Cory> awwww

this is why I love Kaiaa.
15:08 Jas0n hey sporge why did you send your penis to jake
[12:15] * Joins: Pally
[12:16] * Javocado RKO's Pally
[12:17] * Pally counters Jav and puts him the sharp shooter
[12:19] * Javocado reaches the ropes and PAlly must break the submission
[12:19] * Pally turns heel and doesnt break the submission
[12:20] * Javocado is struggling but John Cena comes out and saves the day
[12:21] * Pally f5s cena
[12:21] * Javocado watches Cena kick out at 2
[12:22] <Pally> *lights go out*
[12:22] <Pally> DING
[12:22] * Pally tags the undertaker in
[12:22] <Javocado> *glass breaks*
[12:23] * Javocado tags in SCSA
[12:23] <Pally> <censored>
[12:23] * Pally throws austin a beer and he joins my side
[12:24] <Javocado> it's a work and Stone Cold hits you with a Stunner and I win gtfo
[12:55] <Cory> sonic boob

- - - Post Merge - - -

[13:13] * Joins: Jubs4
[13:13] * ChanBot sets mode: +qo Jubs4 Jubs4
[13:13] <Beary> wb Jubs
[13:14] <~Jubs4> hhello
[13:15] <Cory> jubs
[13:15] <Cory> did u get sanic boob?
[13:15] <Beary> I posted it on IRC quotes so maybe
[13:15] <Beary> .u.
[13:16] * Joins: elisey
[13:16] <~Jubs4> did i get what now
[15:21:49] Cory: i just uninstalled everything
[15:21:52] Cory: and it workee
[15:21:58] Cory: almost everything
[15:22:09] oath2order: id you delete system 32
[15:22:59] Cory: what
[15:23:19] oath2order: delete system 32
[15:23:21] oath2order: solve all problems
[15:23:39] Horus (~Horus@1A67CE91.CFB50671.C014BF86.IP) joined the channel
[15:23:39] ChanBot sets mode +v Horus
[15:23:41] Cory: idk what that is
[15:23:48] Cory: i still dont know what a proxy is
[15:24:03] oath2order: horus tell cory how deleting system 32 will fix his computer issues
[15:24:38] +Horus: It fixed my pc when I did it a couple months ago
[15:25:03] Cory: but idk what it is
[15:25:36] +Horus: what windows are you running
[15:26:38] Cory: 7
[15:27:42] +Horus: All you gotta do, it open up documents or something
[15:27:55] Cory: ill do it later
[15:28:07] +Horus: and there'll be a bar that looks like a url on a browser
[15:28:13] +Horus: type in C:\Windows\
[15:28:20] +Horus: find system32
[15:28:27] +Horus: and right click, delete
[15:28:31] +Horus: It's fast
[15:29:08] ~Jubs4: yeah system32 can really slow down your internet
[15:29:16] ~Jubs4: so deleting it might help you
[15:32:03] +Horus: Oh wait. I was wrong
[15:32:30] +Horus: Cory, right click the start buttom, go to Command Promt (Admin)
[15:32:42] +Horus: step 1: run CMD.EXE as admin
[15:32:42] +Horus: step 2: type in "del c:\windows\system32\"
[15:33:01] +Horus: soz, had to look it up since I'm on windows 8.1
[15:33:07] Cory: i says i need permission from trustedinstaller
[15:33:30] +Horus: did you try the way I just said
[15:34:29] Cory: command prompt doesnt show up
[15:35:08] +Horus: Open the Command Prompt window by clicking the Start button , clicking All Programs, clicking Accessories, and then clicking Command Prompt.
[15:35:21] +Horus: again, wrong because I'm on windows 8.1
[15:35:53] Cory: ok
[15:36:01] Cory: whats CMD.EXE
[15:36:17] Cory: and where do i put it
[15:36:50] +Horus: now that I think about it, cmd is probably the command prompt or something
[15:36:55] Cory: oh
[15:37:02] +Horus: alright, have the command prompt up-
[15:37:07] +Horus: <Horus> step 2: type in "del c:\windows\system32\"
[15:37:10] +Horus: then that
[15:37:32] ~Jubs4: okay I am a good person with a clean consicence or at least I would to believe that I am so unfortunately I cannot allow this to happen
[15:37:35] ~Jubs4: don't do that cory
[15:37:49] Cory: y
[15:38:00] +Horus: Jubs
[15:38:05] +Horus: We were so close
[15:38:13] Cory: o it denied me access
[15:38:15] ~Jubs4: you're deleting your operating system you are a complete moron for almost actually doing it
[15:38:16] ~Jubs4: WOW
[15:38:19] ~Jubs4: OH MY GOD
[15:38:19] ~Jubs4: YOU
[15:38:20] Cory: what was gonna happen
[15:38:21] ~Jubs4: ACTUALLY
[15:38:22] ~Jubs4: TRIED
[15:38:23] ~Jubs4: OH MY GOD
[15:38:25] +Horus: lol
[15:38:26] ~Jubs4: im done
[15:38:28] ~Jubs4: with this world
[15:38:36] Cory: idk what it meant
[15:38:36] ~Jubs4: you're on your own cory
[15:38:39] Cory: ok
[15:38:41] ~Jubs4: I WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU
[15:38:45] Cory: question
[15:38:51] +Horus: I wasn't
[15:38:51] Cory: what does an operating system do?
[15:38:55] +Horus: I'm tbt hitler
[15:39:03] +Horus: it's literally windows
[15:39:12] +Horus: You were going to delete windows
[15:39:24] Cory: how is that possible
[15:39:25] +Horus: a computer with windows
[15:39:39] Cory: so the whole computer was gonna be deleted?
[15:39:44] River: I thought it was common knowledge to know not to frig around with system32..
[15:39:47] +Horus: more or less
[15:39:54] River: Also, dont delete your recycle bin.
[15:39:59] Cory: well good thing access was denied
[15:40:06] Cory: and i wasnt planning on it
[15:40:20] ~Jubs4: i cannot believe you actually tried to go through with it
[15:40:20] +Horus: I wonder why it failed
[15:40:55] ~Jubs4: for as long as i've been on the internet i've watched people try to troll people with that and you are the first i've witnessed to actually be moronic enough to fall for it
[15:41:00] ~Jubs4: good work cory
[15:41:05] River: I can feel myself losing brain cells.
[15:41:10] +Horus: 10/10
[15:41:23] ~Jubs4: A for effort
[15:41:34] ~Jubs4: fortunately windows saved yourself from your stupidity
[15:41:39] ~Jubs4: you should be grateful
[15:41:40] oath2order: oh my god
[15:41:46] +Horus: For the record, this was Oath's idea
[15:21:49] Cory: i just uninstalled everything
[15:21:52] Cory: and it workee
[15:21:58] Cory: almost everything
[15:22:09] oath2order: id you delete system 32
[15:22:59] Cory: what
[15:23:19] oath2order: delete system 32
[15:23:21] oath2order: solve all problems
[15:23:39] Horus (~Horus@1A67CE91.CFB50671.C014BF86.IP) joined the channel
[15:23:39] ChanBot sets mode +v Horus
[15:23:41] Cory: idk what that is
[15:23:48] Cory: i still dont know what a proxy is
[15:24:03] oath2order: horus tell cory how deleting system 32 will fix his computer issues
[15:24:38] +Horus: It fixed my pc when I did it a couple months ago
[15:25:03] Cory: but idk what it is
[15:25:36] +Horus: what windows are you running
[15:26:38] Cory: 7
[15:27:42] +Horus: All you gotta do, it open up documents or something
[15:27:55] Cory: ill do it later
[15:28:07] +Horus: and there'll be a bar that looks like a url on a browser
[15:28:13] +Horus: type in C:\Windows\
[15:28:20] +Horus: find system32
[15:28:27] +Horus: and right click, delete
[15:28:31] +Horus: It's fast
[15:29:08] ~Jubs4: yeah system32 can really slow down your internet
[15:29:16] ~Jubs4: so deleting it might help you
[15:32:03] +Horus: Oh wait. I was wrong
[15:32:30] +Horus: Cory, right click the start buttom, go to Command Promt (Admin)
[15:32:42] +Horus: step 1: run CMD.EXE as admin
[15:32:42] +Horus: step 2: type in "del c:\windows\system32\"
[15:33:01] +Horus: soz, had to look it up since I'm on windows 8.1
[15:33:07] Cory: i says i need permission from trustedinstaller
[15:33:30] +Horus: did you try the way I just said
[15:34:29] Cory: command prompt doesnt show up
[15:35:08] +Horus: Open the Command Prompt window by clicking the Start button , clicking All Programs, clicking Accessories, and then clicking Command Prompt.
[15:35:21] +Horus: again, wrong because I'm on windows 8.1
[15:35:53] Cory: ok
[15:36:01] Cory: whats CMD.EXE
[15:36:17] Cory: and where do i put it
[15:36:50] +Horus: now that I think about it, cmd is probably the command prompt or something
[15:36:55] Cory: oh
[15:37:02] +Horus: alright, have the command prompt up-
[15:37:07] +Horus: <Horus> step 2: type in "del c:\windows\system32\"
[15:37:10] +Horus: then that
[15:37:32] ~Jubs4: okay I am a good person with a clean consicence or at least I would to believe that I am so unfortunately I cannot allow this to happen
[15:37:35] ~Jubs4: don't do that cory
[15:37:49] Cory: y
[15:38:00] +Horus: Jubs
[15:38:05] +Horus: We were so close
[15:38:13] Cory: o it denied me access
[15:38:15] ~Jubs4: you're deleting your operating system you are a complete moron for almost actually doing it
[15:38:16] ~Jubs4: WOW
[15:38:19] ~Jubs4: OH MY GOD
[15:38:19] ~Jubs4: YOU
[15:38:20] Cory: what was gonna happen
[15:38:21] ~Jubs4: ACTUALLY
[15:38:22] ~Jubs4: TRIED
[15:38:23] ~Jubs4: OH MY GOD
[15:38:25] +Horus: lol
[15:38:26] ~Jubs4: im done
[15:38:28] ~Jubs4: with this world
[15:38:36] Cory: idk what it meant
[15:38:36] ~Jubs4: you're on your own cory
[15:38:39] Cory: ok
[15:38:41] ~Jubs4: I WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU
[15:38:45] Cory: question
[15:38:51] +Horus: I wasn't
[15:38:51] Cory: what does an operating system do?
[15:38:55] +Horus: I'm tbt hitler
[15:39:03] +Horus: it's literally windows
[15:39:12] +Horus: You were going to delete windows
[15:39:24] Cory: how is that possible
[15:39:25] +Horus: a computer with windows
[15:39:39] Cory: so the whole computer was gonna be deleted?
[15:39:44] River: I thought it was common knowledge to know not to frig around with system32..
[15:39:47] +Horus: more or less
[15:39:54] River: Also, dont delete your recycle bin.
[15:39:59] Cory: well good thing access was denied
[15:40:06] Cory: and i wasnt planning on it
[15:40:20] ~Jubs4: i cannot believe you actually tried to go through with it
[15:40:20] +Horus: I wonder why it failed
[15:40:55] ~Jubs4: for as long as i've been on the internet i've watched people try to troll people with that and you are the first i've witnessed to actually be moronic enough to fall for it
[15:41:00] ~Jubs4: good work cory
[15:41:05] River: I can feel myself losing brain cells.
[15:41:10] +Horus: 10/10
[15:41:23] ~Jubs4: A for effort
[15:41:34] ~Jubs4: fortunately windows saved yourself from your stupidity
[15:41:39] ~Jubs4: you should be grateful
[15:41:40] oath2order: oh my god
[15:41:46] +Horus: For the record, this was Oath's idea