Is animal crossing best portable or for home systems only?

Portable or not?

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Yes. I hated controlling it on the Wii, especially when typing. I'd always press the wrong buttons!
I actually play Animal Crossing while commuting!

I'm probably in the minority, though...
Definitely portable. It's something intended for you to play everyday, so portable is much more convenient (even though I just sit around at home playing for hours).
Portable has way more benefits:
-can play anywhere
-TV is free for others to use
-easier to control
I don't really think it's "best" on any platform. As long as it's playable then I don't really care.
Definitely best portable, I like to play little and often which is perfect with a portable. I barely played city folk at all as I just couldn't get the time to take over the TV haha plus I got so bored of that game -__-
Portable because you can play everywhere. Though, on the other hand, a home system has probably its advantages as well. :)
For me it really doesn't matter as long as it's fun to play. I chose no though, cuz I saw it has the least amount of votes hehe ^^
Portable... I can't really take my Wii on holiday to play CF... (I hope Chrissy doesn't move while I'm on holiday)