Is anybody else hoarding the sea creatures?

Not specifically 3 of each creature, but for the rarer ones and ones with nice tanks I display them around my museum and beach. They make really cool decoration!
I hoard the freakier looking ones (+seaweed) since I might need them for decor. Not really hoarding for models though.
I think I have about 4 nautiluses right now and I still need more for my plans. Thankfully they aren't too rare.​
Yep, I really hope they do or they at least clarify if they ever will so I can free up my storage lol.
I didn’t even think of this but this is actually a good idea I think having like the anemone as a model would be so cute on the beaches! It would look like the tides were out. Same for the seaweed or the shells
I haven’t been hoarding them because even if we get the option to make models I won’t use it. I already don’t have any fish models and only a couple butterfly models.
I have some seaweed in storage for decoration purposes. Otherwise, I would start hoarding some of them if deep-sea creature models became a feature and I have an idea to integrate them into a design.
I've kept a couple of them but only the ones I plan on using for decorations. It would be nice if there were models, but at the same time I don't look forward to try to get 3 of each to complete the catalog.
Yes I have been holding on to certain sea creatures too for future models. I have 3 football fish and hoping to catch 2 more coelacanth!
Glad I'm not the only one then.

I was being picky with what I was hoarding before the storage expansion, but now I just seem to be throwing everything in there.
i hadn't thought to do this but maybe i should, it seems reasonable that they'd make it possible