Is anyone else having terrible luck with the festive diys? :(

Hey, if anyone needs help crafting the festive items, let me know! I'm EST timezone. If you can facilitate the materials, I can craft for you. I can also help with some of the frozen set and other snowflake items.
Toy Day is tomorrow and the only DIY I got to decorate with was the dreidel set, I’ve popped multiple balloons everyday since they were available smh

Now how much do I have to pay someone to get the falling snow wall🙄
I always get my own seasonal DIYs, but not this time. Even though I built the jailhouse island to not miss any balloons and even though I broke more slingshots than I can remember (it's close to if not over double digits) and I spent many, many hours I never got the illuminated reindeer DIY. Thanks to the helpful person who gave it to me or I would have still not got it to this point. Last 2 balloons right now were clay and a cute lamp..... it's just a little crazy..... just got brine shrimp aquarium and I got an ice shaver before the clay. It's like an insult lol!

...5000 bells. Ok I'll stop now, but just showing even if you put the effort you may not get the DIYs.
The balloons on Toy Day don'tget any better. I got a regular popcorn maker and some lousy clothingthat is not even wintery.
And I have no regrets on buying them- I'd MUCH rather spend my time in the game collecting crafting supplies and putting together my winter festival!
I feel the same way. I've been considered an essential since this pandemic hit and haven't had a day off. So when I have time after work, I really don't want to mindlessly grind and then feel like I wasted my night and be right back at it with work.
I'm just having bad luck getting balloons in general. Been stalking my beach most of the afternoon, and only gotten 2/3 of the diys, and about 5/6 balloons in total :L
The festive DIYs might just be the most difficult DIYs to obtain. They're terrible. :(
I want to get them for my island but all I can ever seem to get is the same recipes I already have over and over, like no I do not need another magazine rack
Just a reminder that Festive DIYs will no longer spawn after Wednesday. So if you haven't found them all yet, you should probably set time time aside to just farm balloons while you still can.
I kept finding them in balloons on my SH island :/ so I was sending them to my main, where I never found them. It was so weird. And even then, I’m pretty sure I’m missing some.
I've noticed quite a few people asking for the festive DIYs all season and realized early on to start farming them. Since I was getting them on a regular basis I have quite a few available for anyone needing to fulfill their festive DIYs. That being said Happy New Year to all the ACNH members and have a safe and prosperous new year!! 😁
i barely got any and only caught one new bug during december despite actively looking for fish, bugs, and deep sea creatures.
It took me three or four days and a significant amount of time chasing balloons to get all the winter diy (not including all the snow boy diys!). There was just a lot of them, and it did seem like they spawned less frequently as well. It was a grind, but definitely worth it. I love all the illuminated ones - so pretty at night.
I only got about 3 before Christmas but after the holiday, I made an effort to wait for the balloons. Sometimes the best way is to just farm for them. Then I was about to get the rest after 4-5 days of balloon popping!