Grinded balloons for 2 hours tonight and got zero DIYs. I really want festive decorations for my island but this is just not fun at all. What were they thinking???
It's even worst when people have had to find ways to battle the balloon popping by getting the right time of the balloons ex; 1:04-1:09 and landscaped one side of their beach with 3 tier cliffs or large furniture that would block the balloons to follow a path to the other end.
I think what would really be fun for the seasonal diy is if they actually made some kind of seasonal event where the stuff was given. So like festive diy would be for Festive Day. The beginning of the month where everyone is getting into the festive spirit and you have some mini-games or what-have-you to do in order to get the DIY list completed.
Boom. I just made it sound so much more fun and engaging and I'm not even being paid like they were.
I’ve had terrible luck I can’t even get a present all I have got is three diy’s and I hope to get some more but with my luck I’m probably not gonna get any and I wish good luck for other people I think people have stolen my luck and now I don’t have any luck
I have problems getting seasonal DIY's all the time I barely find/see any balloons and then when I do find balloons they just have bells in it or furniture
My sister has been having trouble finding balloons, I found out today that during the day, her balloons came from the right side to the left side of her island while my island the balloons came from my left side to my right side
I don't know how many I've gotten. I got a cone looking Christmas tree, Jingle wall, and probably something else that I can't think of. I've gotten a lot of money balloons and some different colored variations of items.
Haven't done a super in-depth comparison given my play activity is all over the place, but compared to the spring cherry blossom DIYs where I felt every other balloon had one, these do seem to be a bit 'fewer and far between.'
I get most of my balloons while terraforming and played for a few hours yesterday. I shot down five balloons that contained bells, iron, or a random item, and two festive/winter DIYs (tree and ski-slope wall). Better than none, and was happy the festive tree was the first one I found because it was the one DIY I wanted to decorate with.
I tend to have better luck finding them when I'm not actively grazing the island for them.
I ended up buying most of them off someone on here I HATE hunting balloons and just gave up after awhile- all I was getting was clothing and furniture and some bells.
BUT, it turns out, there was a single snowflake DIY I forgot I needed... which I promptly found in a balloon right after buying all the others So that was nice, at least!
And I have no regrets on buying them- I'd MUCH rather spend my time in the game collecting crafting supplies and putting together my winter festival!
I got all of them in two or three days, spending a couple of hours to grind for those dumb balloons. Too bad there's no other way to obtain seasonal DIYs, because sometimes I feel like I have no patience to wait for balloons. Plus they have a chance to not spawn at all! This is so annoying.
I've been taking a few hours to farm balloons to find most of them since the 15th . I'm missing one more at the moment. (Illuminated Reindeer). My lucky isn't bad, but could be better.
Yes, I found nothing, except the ornament wreath Isabelle gave me at the start of the game. I guess I won't be able to find any of them, so I'm about to give up.
These are some of the reasons I choose not to grind; it sucks the fun out of the game. I stopped and found It more enjoyable, and then I ended up getting more DIY's than I never tried.