I am struggling a little but I struggled in New Leaf too. I think some of that struggle is just inherent to the creative process. What I've done to manage it is to focus on one small location at a time. Right now, that is my future campsite. I built some country fencing and grabbed some of the flower seeds that were cluttering my storage (funny that, no matter how slots I gain with each upgrade, I manage to be overstuffed again within 24 hours). I then just focused on one corner of one unit on the map, adding flowers, eating extra Bunny eggs to move trees around, etc. Maybe it's just some log stakes and a red windflower, or a repositioned tree and a well placed stump to sit on. Somehow, as it slowly evolves, my confidence grows and the struggle begins to feel a little less stressful and a little more like savoring the design process. My anxious brain tends to make everything feel urgent, which I know is inaccurate, so I do what I can to slow everything down.