Is anyone else struggling with designing their island?

I am struggling a little but I struggled in New Leaf too. I think some of that struggle is just inherent to the creative process. What I've done to manage it is to focus on one small location at a time. Right now, that is my future campsite. I built some country fencing and grabbed some of the flower seeds that were cluttering my storage (funny that, no matter how slots I gain with each upgrade, I manage to be overstuffed again within 24 hours). I then just focused on one corner of one unit on the map, adding flowers, eating extra Bunny eggs to move trees around, etc. Maybe it's just some log stakes and a red windflower, or a repositioned tree and a well placed stump to sit on. Somehow, as it slowly evolves, my confidence grows and the struggle begins to feel a little less stressful and a little more like savoring the design process. My anxious brain tends to make everything feel urgent, which I know is inaccurate, so I do what I can to slow everything down.
I have absolutely no clue what I want to do with my island, and I haven’t even unlocked the ability to change anything. I struggled in new leaf to design my town, but I also had less options. So idk maybe with time I will figure it out.
Yep. What I plan to do is do whatever needs to be done in order to get the 3 star rating and unlock the Island Designer app. That way, once I have it I’ll clean everything up and start laying down paths which will help.

I’m not going for the most spectacular looking island, just something that I feel comfortable with. As long as all of my initial ideas are included in some way, I should be satisfied.
Sort of? I've been satisfied with mine but looking at other islands makes me feel sad.
A little bit, yeah. I'm more dreading the amount of bells I have to spend moving around the buildings. 50K for a villager house is ouch territory.

I unlocked the island designer app but I want to finish bridges, my last house loan and mark out layouts before I start plowing through.

I'm going to look at real towns for inspiration and references.

And if you only want to move it one space you have to pay 100k because the game won't allow you to move it only one square, it'll say there is a building in the way. So you gotta pay twice to move it one square. I have a couple houses off by just 1...I might just accept the annoyance and leave them like that.
Yup, for an artistic person, I'm unable EVER to come up with original ideas of concepts on my own. Therefore, I get inspiration from others. It seems this is the only way I can function. :(
I tend to focus on one area at a time c: It's hugely overwhelming but focusing on one project at a time rather than your entire island seemed to help me a little bit!
I'm having such a hard time as I always do but especially with this.. it's so limiting in ways that could've easily been fixed by the creators... let us do more!!!!!
I am happy when I play alone, but when I see what others can do, I want to burn my island hahaha!
Seriously, I definetly feel the pressure. And I had to deal with the fact that my Island can't become what I had in mind when I first saw the trailers. It would be possible, but it would take too much time and bells. I like to play slowly, and take my time to pay my house. I'm telling myself that we couldn't even choose the house locations before or to shape the island like we want, so I'm trying to kinda forget that and just have fun. And if someone doesn't like my island, well too bad it's mine ^_^
My island is currently a wasteland. Lol. I leveled it and I removed all my rivers and is currently in the process of moving things into their proper locations. I’m wary of cutting all my trees down because it’ll take a lot of axe crafting so I’m instead moving them eating all the extra bunny day eggs and plopping them haphazardly anywhere. It looks crazy right now. I don’t time travel either so it’s gonna be trash for some time. It’ll take a lot of time to move everything considering you can only move one plot a day. I hope my villagers don’t raise a rebellion. :)
I'm struggling but only because I find the sheer amount of possibilities overwhelming. I'm torn between wanting to experiment heavily with terraforming and wanting to keep elements of my natural, initial island. I'm glad we have this option and I know that eventually, it'll start to come together for me (slowly), but there are so many ideas right now, I hardly know where to begin.
I was so excited to see how much creative freedom I'd get to have when the commercials first came out! However, I never took into consideration how much of a perfectionist I was. I've played animal crossing since I was a kid way back with game cube! I think this is the most I've struggled though :c I've been hesitating to play lately because I put so much pressure on myself to have a desirable looking island.

Does anybody else feel the same way?

Feel free to post your island progression! I plan on moving my museum into the small middle portion of the island today and moving the two houses down below... somewhere!

Yes and no. I have some ideas for what I want to do with my island but I'm missing roses, oranges and pears (for starters). I'm not sure how I'm gonna handle some of the outdoor furniture decorating but I do know how I'm handling my infrastructure. I have the island with the mini-island in the middle (the river splits two ways). I have a red zen bridge leading to that mini-island and the Museum is there, I plan to add two red zen bridges, connecting the left and right sides of the main area where the Town Hall is.

For the cliffs I've added four natural ramps with the fourth one being built tomorrow (paid the donation fees today). After I demolish the log bridge and add the two red zens, I'm not sure if I'll add other bridges or not. But eventually I want a natural looking island (like unterraformed and such) with a nice variety of decorations. MAYBE a fenced yard for my house.

A cherry orchard, apple orchard, orange orchard, peach orchard, pear orchard, coconut trees lining the beach, regular trees and cedars on the non-beach areas planted so there's not too many but not too little. And flower beds for red, yellow, white, pink, orange, blue, purple and black roses and red, yellow, white, orange, pink and blue hyacinths.

Got a LOT of work ahead of me but I'm hoping it all comes together eventually.