Is it fun?

you can get acww anywhere my gamestop and gamecrazy are both still selling the original animal crosing lol ( not used!)
dont buy ww it has almost no holidays, it gets sooo annoying, its ok but city folk is waaaaaaaay better
Again all this hating on WW. Yes, CF, is better ... But for someone who travels alot, maybe doesn't live at home... WW is a great game. And if you ONLY have a DSlite, then WW would be your only option.

Anywho. WW is tons of fun. It's just about the best DS game I know. :)
QNT3N said:
saby said:
And if you ONLY have a DSlite, then WW would be your only option.
HEY! I had WW on an original DS for years. I just recently got a new DS.
HAHA. That's not what I meant. :p
I am not trying to look down on the original DS. Mine served me very well for the many years I owned it. And it served me even better when I went to trade it in for a pink DSlite. Hehe.

But yes. WW. Awesome. It's Animal Crossing. Why wouldn't it be?
Whether or not you should buy it? Totally up to you.
I have the WW and GC.
And I don't have a wil if I did I would get CF.
I do play CF my friend has it and I play it Every time I go to her House. :gyroidsideways: :gyroiddance:
:gyroidcircle: :gyroidcircle: :gyroidcircle:
Well, I was into it for 11 months, though the GameCube one captured me for 3 years and I've recently gotten back into the GCN version. I'd recommend it if you want some AC on the go, but you may not like it since you've played City Folk first. I've personally played CF way, way less than Wild World and sometimes I don't like AC:CF, but my opinion changes back and forth.