Is it fun?

i just got acww today
and im gonna be completely honest...
ww is a piece of *censored.2.0* compared to city folk
Yes, but remember that CF was released after WW, on the Wii, so therefore, better graphics. I personally enjoy playing AC:WW a lot, it's the first game I ever owned for DS.
I SAY THAT U SHOULD GET it and ar makes better i think cause of its SPEEDING BULLET RUN OPTION O YAH
you have to share your house with other players which allows them to steal your furniture
animalX said:
you have to share your house with other players which allows them to steal your furniture
Yes, but I don't know many people who share a hand held system, but I wouldn't know how that feels, all of my siblings have their own ds.

AC:WW is an ok game, I'd rather play CF, but I guess wild world is good on the go.
you should get it
graphic sucks though but its a fun to play
on some occasions :p