Is It Wierd That....

Gdi w h a t


Is it weird that I don't like root beer unless it's 100% carbonated?
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is it weird that my feet are so small i have to wear kids shoes?
absolutely not.

is it weird that I worked out on christmas eve?
No, gotta compensate for all those cookies!

Is it weird that my family likes deviled eggs so much that we ran out and bought the ingredients on the fly so we could have them tonight?
nah. when you got a christmas craving you got a christmas craving :p

is it weird that we made spaghetti for christmas dinner?
nope we do that all the time XD

is it weird that i have an obsession with stitches XD
nope. he's cute! <3

is it weird that i have five tubes of chapstick on my desk?
Nah. When u need it u need it

Is it weird that I’m excited for getting socks?
no way! new socks are the best. *-*

is it weird that i'm reading like four books at the same time?
nah. I've been there fam, but with other foods lol

is it weird that I once ate pizza rolls with chopsticks
If you mean the top of the laptop, then not at all. I know a lot of people who do that.
If you mean on the screen then yes xD

Is it weird that I never wear makeup, even when going to a fancy event?
nope because I do too lol

is it weird that I spend half my life watching Instagram edits lmao
yes /judgmental >:)
Just kidding I don't know what an instagram edit is

Is it weird that I have 10 clowns in my room LOL