Is It Wierd That....

kinda? lmao depends ig

is it weird that I easily get obsessed with shows/bands/games etc.?

Is it weird that I don’t want to do something just because somebody else said so?
no cuz I don't like melon either lol

is it weird that I've been listening to vocaloid for like an hour? I can't escape ;;

is it weird that i'm stressed af because of my parents fighting about something dumb?
no. It's hit or miss

is it weird that I'm hungry again after eating a huge chinese meal?
Lol not weird, for some reason I'm starving after eating hefty Chinese food too.

Is it weird that I don't watch TV?
no. I don't really watch tv except for netflix.

is it weird that i don't really want to visit my family tomorrow?
Noooo way. I actively try to avoid most of my extended family :,)

Is it weird that I wear a considerable amount of jewelry to bed?
honestly bae: kind of.
no way i could sleep with a bunch of bumpy things!

is it weird that I'm watching scary youtube videos and freaking myself out right before bed?
Ahhh ninja'd. That is very weird o_o

Is it weird that I spend so much time on this website?
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Not really.

Is it weird, that, according to the words of my friend, I often am snoring while holding a new 3DS in my hands, pressing buttons to do something in my NL towns?
a little, but I wouldn't worry lol

Is it weird that I really like the idea of psychotic characters? The idea of someone on the brink of madness, or already wildly crazy, appeals to me.
I don't necessarily think that's uncommon, but it's a little weird to me personally since I'm mentally ill (not psychosis but severe anxiey and obsessive tendencies) and feeling like you're on the brink of madness isn't really that glamorous of a feeling.

Is it weird that I love watching cartoons for pre-schoolers even though I'm 20? Like Dora or Blues Clues.
Eh, I still watch kids cartoons but not like pre-schooler stuff. Watch what you want though :)

Is it weird I often rant to myself out loud? XP