Is It Wierd That....

No, I don't either!

Is it weird that I've never been stung by a bee?
No, but yours is fast and mine is slow : (

Is it weird that I prefer not to tie my shoes?
No, as long as you don't trip all the time.

Is it weird that I can't sleep in pitch black?
Nah I do that too.

Is it weird that I read 7 books at a time?
I don't think so! But I'm not much of a reader, so props to you!

Is it weird that I go through phases of what cereal I like? For example, one month it's Cheerios, and the next it's Fruity Pebbles?
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nope i'm like that too haha

is it weird i have loads of dvds but no dvd player?
Yup (altho if you play them on something else then it's not weird but if you have nothing to play them on then yeah weird)

Is it weird that I joined here in April 2020, and today is the first time Im actually posting? 🤔 😂
Not at all. I think a lot of people were lurkers long before they started posting. April of 2020 was when we had an influx of new users and I remember it being a worse forum during that time. A lot of those users have left and it's back to the forum I remember.

Is it weird that I like putting chips in my fried rice sometimes for that *crunch* factor?
Sort of, but fried rice is kind of a free-for-all when it comes to ingredients lol, so I suppose it's allowed!

Is it weird that I haven't eaten fast food in 2 years?
no some people don't like fast food or don't eat it for health reasons

is it weird that i've never had a nose bleed?
Nah, neither have I

Is it weird that I may be a fan of something I haven't watched
Nope! I do that sometimes.

Is it weird that my favorite villager isn't Diana but all of my avatars are of her?
i don't think it is

is it weird that i have convos with everything even if it's inanimate/an animal?
nope i'm the same

is it weird that i put sweetcorn on pizza? (everyone i know says it's gross but it's so tasty haha)