Hi! I've been thinking whether I should get Let's Go, would you guys recommend it, is it worth the money? What about the pokeball controller?
Also, when talking about the game, please be careful not to reveal big spoilers (if there are any) in case I do get it.
I say it is worth a lot more than Happy Home Designer from Animal Crossing, but it’s a lot like Pokemon Yellow.
The one thing you have to know is that it’s the most expensive Pok?mon game up to date since it’s their first time being on a home console. While handheld games are normally $40, console games are normally $60. And Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee are not exempt from the Switch’s pricing.
Honestly if only for the shiny hunting then it's totally worth it. Shiny hunting's got me hyped lol
But other than that I'm not really interested in the game, since it's a remake of Yellow and only includes Gen 1 pokes (besides Meltan/Melmetal), and I'm not a big fan of Gen 1. The game looks pretty cool/cute for what it is though, so if you like gen 1 then I say go for it!
I would recommend it 100%. If you do go to read reviews about the game be careful to make sure they're actually legit. People have been flooding sites with negative reviews because they're salty that Nintendo didn't give them exactly what they want and have to wait a year. But, besides that, the game is gorgeous. It is honestly a perfect reimagining of Kanto. The catching mechanic is honestly pretty neat and it doesn't really change the gameplay much at all. I've heard people saying it makes the game easier but, to be honest, I find grinding much more difficult and time consuming in this game.
On another note, this game is absolutely fantastic if you're into competitive battling or shiny hunting. For competitive you can actually clearly see what your Pokemon's IV's are by using the "judge" feature rather than having to pretty much calculate them yourself. And with shiny hunting, it's still just as time consuming but they make it much more clear as to what your chances are to catch one. Pretty much the higher your catch combo, aka the number of the same Pokemon you've caught in a row, the higher your chances of catching a shiny. The best part is, you can actually see the catch combo without having to keep track yourself lol
As for the Pokeball Plus, I personally think it's a must have with this game. The feel of the controller is really nice overall and it, for me anyway, fits perfectly into your hand. It just feels natural I guess. It also has a Pokewalker type feature which really comes in handy especially if you're out all day doing things. You can level your Pokemon up 15 levels in one day if you're busy enough, plus you get a ton of items lol