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Is Slut Shaming Okay?

Dude I Dont Give a ****

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generally, i do not care about people having sex, however it ranks low on my list of priorities. i dont care about the sex positivist movement. i dont care.

often, i find while though people are trying to stop the stigma of having too much sex, they do nothing to help actual hypersexual victims. no, i dont find telling a hypersexual victim to "go suck 10 ****s you big bad *****!! xPPPP" feminist or liberating in anyway, nor do i actually care for slut walks.

i think a lot of people fail to realize that sometimes encouraging young girls to **** everyone won't make them feel better. it just makes them feel used later and they hate it. i mean if you're an adult, fine whatever. but when you have sex, it isnt in a vacuum. i find this especially troubling for victims of sexual abuse who use sex as a way to cope, and i think thats an unhealthy coping tactic.

i would say im sex negative, as in i dont care if you do it, but i dont encourage it. if you're 25 or whatever and using tinder for hookups, okay whatever. but im tired of seeing people encourage young teens/hypersexual victims to suck 10 ****s cos its "liberating" or something. sex isnt just sex sometimes. yeah its possible to have sex without romantic feelings for someone, but when you're young or hypersexual that is so much harder to differentiate. i think it rather makes them feel worse and think their only worth is sex.

but in general thats my only problems with the anti "slut shaming" movement/sex +. also i think the term slut shaming is stupid. like seriously someone needs to come up with a better term that doesn't insult the people they're fighting for.
I'm fine with it, I mean do as you wish as long as it doesn't hurt others or yourself. I don't see why slut shaming can be so bad unless it was for a bad intention..
also i think the term slut shaming is stupid. like seriously someone needs to come up with a better term that doesn't insult the people they're fighting for.

This is my biggest problem with it too.
I'm pretty sure they're trying to reclaim the word "slut" but it doesn't really work when it's still mostly used to insult someone.
It's stupid. Like, let people sleep with who they want.

But yeah, idk if this is an appropriate thread for this forum. Too many people under 13 here.
I am against slut shaming. If the person dresses like one or does it just for the hell of it, then it's another story...

My grandpa literally says the same thing about being "brainwashed by the internet", lol.

I mean if you really think about it actually makes the person commenting on said "slut" a pervert. Considering that they're wasting their time thinking about how many people that person has had sex with, or focusing on that person's body/how they dress...It's really irrelevant. Why does that person's personal life even matter so much to solicit a reaction. It makes no sense why people always love to violently shove their noses into everyone's business. Though, they'll excuse it, of course.
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the word slut actually stings me every time i hear it because it was so often used as a derogatory term towards and about me when i was in high school
slut shaming is ridiculous and stupid, do whatever you want, the word slut shouldn't even exist it is a horrible, vulgar and filthy word that has been systematically used to shame and degrade women who don't fit the virgin madonna archetype

that said, and while i'm totally for people just doing what they want and using their body however they please, having sex with everyone and everything you see can be a really unhealthy behaviour like it's fine if you're just doing it cause that's what you wanna do but more often than not it's a sign of something far deeper like a self-esteem issue or whatever and in that case it's not good for u but it's still nobody else's business
I'm against shaming other people's choices. It's their life and they can do what they want with it. :)
i'm against it. it just implies that women aren't allowed to choose what they want to do with their bodies and their freedom. it's not ok when a woman does it but if a guy gets a lot of action, it is mostly encouraged or ignored.
But you suggested promiscuity is comparable to smoking cigarettes which does, in fact, give you cancer

No, I didn't. What I was trying to say was that, similarly to smoking, you can enjoy it, but it's not always a healthy way to live. I never mentioned cancer.
No, I didn't. What I was trying to say was that, similarly to smoking, you can enjoy it, but it's not always a healthy way to live. I never mentioned cancer.

Yeah its "not a healthy way to live" cause smoking causes cancer and other bodily maladies. This is what makes it unhealthy. You are using smoking as a comparative to promiscuity. You say: like smoking, you can enjoy promiscuity, but it is not a healthy way to live. Yet protected promiscuity does not cause cancer or other physical bodily maladies. I don't think smoking was the best object of comparison for the point you're trying to make.
No, I didn't. What I was trying to say was that, similarly to smoking, you can enjoy it, but it's not always a healthy way to live. I never mentioned cancer.

Okay but here's the thing:
Smoking is never a healthy way to live
Being promiscuous can easily be a healthy way to live

You can't compare the two.
Yeah its "not a healthy way to live" cause smoking causes cancer and other bodily maladies. This is what makes it unhealthy. You are using smoking as a comparative to promiscuity. You say: like smoking, you can enjoy promiscuity, but it is not a healthy way to live. Yet protected promiscuity does not cause cancer or other physical bodily maladies. I don't think smoking was the best object of comparison for the point you're trying to make.

Okay but here's the thing:
Smoking is never a healthy way to live
Being promiscuous can easily be a healthy way to live

You can't compare the two.

Okay, I'll admit it wasn't the greatest comparison to make, but it's really a conditional thing. There are young women (and men, I should add) out there who have sex with anything that moves, and a lot of the time it's because they have self-esteem issues and think sex is a way of getting people to love them or give them attention, and it's not always a good thing or a "strong independent woman" thing to do.

But, again, it's conditional. If you're having sex with people you know and haven't just met randomly at a bar, go ahead. If you're having casual, protected sex just for the fun of it, go ahead. Just be careful. It's not a life I would encourage, but it's not a one I'd discourage either. It's just something that people need to be careful of and not indulge themselves in too much. The comparison to smoking was dumb, but that's the point I was trying to make.
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I am against slut shaming. If the person dresses like one or does it just for the hell of it, then it's another story...
this makes no sense

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Okay, I'll admit it wasn't the greatest comparison to make, but it's really a conditional thing. There are young women (and men, I should add) out there who have sex with anything that moves, and a lot of the time it's because they have self-esteem issues and think sex is a way of getting people to love them or give them attention, and it's not always a good thing or a "strong independent woman" thing to do.

But, again, it's conditional. If you're having sex with people you know and haven't just met randomly at a bar, go ahead. If you're having casual, protected sex just for the fun of it, go ahead. Just be careful. It's not a life I would encourage, but it's not a one I'd discourage either. It's just something that people need to be careful of and not indulge themselves in too much. The comparison to smoking was dumb, but that's the point I was trying to make.

yes i agree, i would say people who have sex with strangers nearly everyday are likely hypersexual and suffer from trauma.

its very common for people who have sufferef sexual abuse to be very very sexually active. however i think they shouldnt be having sex that often because it makes them feel bad. no one wants to discuss the emotional baggage that sometimes comes with sex.

yes its their right to live, but rhat doesnt mean its a healthy way. it only gives them temporary relief from the actual problem
I don't know, it's a bit of a difficult question to be honest because although I agree everybody should be allowed to wear what they want, there's such a thing as time and place/appropriateness etc.
If what somebody is wearing is appropriate for where they are or what they're doing then there's no problem. But you wouldn't turn up to work (not in my job at least) with a skirt showing your underwear or something.
Also used to annoy me when I went to the gym and saw girls with almost sports bras on their top half (I'm a female myself) when the rules were always to dress appropriately (no shirts off for the guys, etc) out of respect for other gym users who don't want sweat covering the equipment.

It all depends. The situation makes a lot of difference
I say no, never. Women need to be kinder to other women especially. And how much do you really know about the person you are talking about. Someone might see a woman dressed or acting a certain way and meet her become friends only to find she is a birgin or has had 1 or 2 relationships. Judging anyone because of clothes, ru,ours or even one stupid mistake they make when younger is wrong. And I feel bad that women especially put down other women a lot when we should be supporting each other...

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A note, judging so done by what they are wearing says nothing about thier personality. ai like old fashioned 60s style halter tops with ,I drift showing and capris in the summer, I have some sports bras that are meant to be seen under low cut shirts with matching leggings it's cute and I don't go to the gym and I have had 4 serious relationships in my adult life, I look younger than I am much and will where what I like as long as I am comfortable and if I feel comfortable I know it is not showing too much as I'm fairly conservative with skin..but sometimes shorts are short and miniskirts too has been that way over 40 yrs you just gotta wear a longer top if showing legs and longer pants if showing top skin or do whatever a you do...As far as tattoos I can't have one but if I could I always wanted one the most comfortable place to be seen slightly and nothing provocative lower back I have heard the term tramp stamp but come on guys...that's silly too...If you want to judge know the situation and the person but even then keep it to yourself as it's likely your issue not your place to make another woman feel judged when she could be very sweet but dresses different than you would. I am saying this as it seems we are judging not on the person but appearances and they are oh so deceiving most of the time.