Is th official companion guide worth it?

Honestly... not at a spiked price. I bought it because I thought it was cute, and I wanted to have it on my games shelf since I love the game. It does have some interesting things in there! But if you're immersed in the community and you know a ton about the game already I am not sure if you would get any actual value from its contents, other than it being a cute little organized book filled with the catalog/some tips and general guidelines you might already know well enough on your own.

It's an adorable collectors item so if you want to collect it then I suppose you'd have to figure out how much you're willing to pay to get it. But if scalpers are selling it at like 3 figures I'd say no way. In fact I might be inclined to sell you mine for cheaper if that's the issue you're running into, since I need to stop taking up space with things. If you're interested in that let me know!
It isn’t worth it in my opinion.

My friend bought it when it first came out. But now the book is super outdated and missing a bunch of stuff from the new updates. I think she gets the updated pages via electronic magic or something, but the book just kind of sits there collecting dust. Makes a great paper weight :3

It’s both easier and less of a hassle to look up the stuff online.
I don’t think it’s worth it at that price. Also, since there were updates, the guide is not up to date. If you want it as a collection to then that’s a different case, but if it’s to help the gameplay, I imagine it’s pretty useless now.
I got mine for $20. No way I'd buy it for 100. The guide isn't updated with holidays, but it has helpful tips for fishing, crafting, and stuff. But if it costs 100 dollars for you, don't buy it. It seems like a waste.
I wanted it but I'm glad I didn't get it
So many updates to the game have basically made it redundant now.
This is basically my take on it. It's got cute photos and artwork which would make it fun to read I guess, but I doubt you'd learn anything new. Especially that you can find that information online for free.
I pre-ordered it for 30 euros (it is helpful for beginners and that's it ^^) and yes, 100 is totally overpriced and ridiculous (someone is sellng the sanrio card for 200 euro is my country :mad:...ridiculous:poop:)
you have better guidelines on the net or youtube.
Maybe one day, we will have a complete guide when they will no longer update the game...crossfingers.