I mean the eggs might be hard boiled, but....
I'm a little confused, are they like in individual threads or...?
I don't know if it's too hard, or if I just don't know enough about video games and the forum to solve the clues. I only have the first egg. I have vague ideas about what some of the others could be, but not really sure where to look.
It's difficult when I have no idea what I'm looking for, and when the only helpful hint is "you'll know it when you see it!" If I knew what I was looking for, I wouldn't have to ask what it looked like, would I?
I hardly consider this a "fun and fair event" if clarifying beyond the oh-so clear and precise "anything and anywhere!" for the first-timers is not allowed. Honestly, the only thing I've come across that enjoys being so obfuscate as much as this event is the administration department at my college. If I wanted to be stonewalled with superciliousness, then I'd give them a call.
I may take the admins advice and give my brain a rest from this. And by giving my brain a rest, I mean forget about this whole clear-as-mud mess.
Goodness me, I might be playing too much Assassin's Creed; The "Shaun Hastings" level of sarcasm appears to be rubbing off on me.
Good point, this is my first egg hunt, and I'm not sure what to do at all. What do you even click on when you're on the page?