is there a limit to how many bridges you can have?


The Hash Slinging Slasher
Jul 31, 2013
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Orange (Fruit)
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
My current plans call for 8 but I have no idea if I will be able to put that many.
I've heard you can have 8 bridges and 8 ramps so you should be ok.:)
I've heard you can have 8 bridges and 8 ramps so you should be ok.:)

Well, crud.. there goes a couple of my plans with my island. Back to the drawing board. <_<
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I've heard you can have 8 bridges and 8 ramps so you should be ok.:)

This makes me so happy! Yesterday I was planning where I wanted to put my bridges and I had three just on the lowest level of the island before I remembered we have cliffs again. I was worried there was going to be a low limit like in NL.
This makes me so happy! Yesterday I was planning where I wanted to put my bridges and I had three just on the lowest level of the island before I remembered we have cliffs again. I was worried there was going to be a low limit like in NL.

Glad your plan will work out, mine has to be redone, lol. My current plan had 12 ramps, haha.
Glad your plan will work out, mine has to be redone, lol. My current plan had 12 ramps, haha.

Oh no, I'm sorry! It's frustrating having all this freedom in terms of design but not knowing all the limits yet. Also I haven't even started to think about ramps yet so I may be joining you lol
I've heard you can have 8 bridges and 8 ramps so you should be ok.:)

Is it eight of each, or is there any flexibility between the two categories (e.g., sixteen total between the two categories)? I'm guessing the former, but am trying to nail down as many island-building details as I can before I spend too much time planning my own layout.

That's definitely better than I was expecting, either way. I just sat down to do some serious island planning this afternoon, and started to worry about how I would make everything work if the limit was still three bridges. I don't know whether I need more than eight or not (hopefully not), but at least my preliminary lower-level plan that calls for four bridges should work.
I think what I read implied that you couldn’t have more than 8 of either period. This was just what someone else said on another forum when a person asked about the limits so I’m assuming that person is telling the truth. I hope that’s the case, I don’t wanna get people’s hopes up only to have them come tumbling down again.:(
... my plan had 9 ramps. I have 7 now. Guess ill just ... redo everything lol
Yes Ive been looking for an answer to this. This is a fair amount I'm good with
Oh that's a lot more than I was expecting! Thanks for the info! c:
Gosh my original plan had a TON of little hills and I ended up with like,,, 18 ramps? thats all going out the window i guess!