Is there something wrong with my game?


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
Hi everyone!
I'm playing since the release, right now it's my 3rd island (created at the end of January) and I'm having issues/glitch (idk how to call it actually) I've never had with the previous islands, I'm starting to think maybe there is something wrong with my switch and/or my game:
- I've always had 5 wasps every day but since a month now I only have 4 wasps each day, and I'm shaking all my trees (one day I even did it twice, to be sure I didn't miss any);
- 2 times the past few weeks I had a fossil mark on the ground but when I dug it up it was a sack of 1000 bells, and if I burried the sack in the same wole, the fossil mark would appear again, not a tree;
- I'm trying to obtain hybrids, I follow the guides I found on internet but I'm not having the right colors. For example, I had black tulips with orange tulips although on internet it says you should obtain a purple tulip with 2 oranges (and a black one with 2 red ones). I'm also trying from weeks to obtain purple pansies and windflowers but I only get red ones... I even had a blue windflower with 2 reds (the reds were obtained with one blue and one red);
- Today Flo is sick, I'v always seen my sick villagers wearing their pyjamas, but Flo is wearing a christmas sweater, not sure she's supposed to wear it when sick...
- I'm also always having the same items from the trees, but not sure this is a glitch though.
These are the "only" issues I'm thinking at at the moment, does anyone have the same issues? Is it a thing that should be fixed with a new update?
Some of those do sound like glitches and I am not very knowledgeable on glitches and bugs (though I try to provide a little info below), but in relation to the hybrids:

for the rarer hybrids it is only a chance that they are produced from the correct combination of flowers, and it is a much smaller chance than getting the more common colors. And although the guide focuses on the most efficient ways to get hybrids, they can all breed in multiple ways, and each flower has the parent flowers which effect what flowers it can produce. For example, I got my first purple tulip from two black tulips (which probably had been bred out of oranges).

so in terms of the flowers, what you describe sounds normal (though frustrating i am sure), so no a glitch or anything you are doing wrong.

Of the glitches you mention I have heard of the one where you dig up what looks like it should be a fossil and it is bells instead. I thought that was patched out, so double check that your game is fully up to date (though it sounds like it should be). And in terms of wasps, make sure none of your trees are blocked by flowers/ weeds/ items, because that can stop it from dropping anything, even if the wasps are spawned to that tree (they won’t only spawn to trees with openings under them, even if you have more than enough trees).

Good luck with everything, hope someone can provide you some more definitive guidance!
Thank you so much for your answer! Regarding the flowers, I'll be more patient then haha but concerning the glitch fossil/bells last time was last week and my game is up to date so it might be something they should fix again... I'll check my trees but I don't think they are blocked since I don't have many items, flowers or weeds on my island but I'll doble check just in case!
i know that the tree issue with items and wasps can occur if you remove a lot of trees from your island, or if there are more fruit trees than normal trees. if you've been digging up or cutting down a lot of normal, non-fruit trees, that might be why. the sick villager wearing the wrong clothes also definitely sounds like a glitch, but it isn't game breaking, so i wouldn't worry!
Was the hole glowing gold when you dug up the money? That's the only way you can get money trees to grow. I would just dig up the 1k bells and wait until the next day to find the new one.
i know that the tree issue with items and wasps can occur if you remove a lot of trees from your island, or if there are more fruit trees than normal trees. if you've been digging up or cutting down a lot of normal, non-fruit trees, that might be why. the sick villager wearing the wrong clothes also definitely sounds like a glitch, but it isn't game breaking, so i wouldn't worry!
I keep my island very natural and close to what it looked like at the beggining, I have many non-fruit trees and I did doble check, I can obtain a tree branch from every tree which have a flower or a weed nearby.
Was the hole glowing gold when you dug up the money? That's the only way you can get money trees to grow. I would just dig up the 1k bells and wait until the next day to find the new one.
No it wasn't glowing gold and yes, it's what I've done, I just waited for the next day because I could'nt do nothing about it!
Not so sure about the others, but the fossil dig spot thing is a bug that I've experienced in my game as well. I haven't experienced it for a long time now so I assumed it was patched. I also do remember seeing my villager sick but in regular clothes. Didn't think it was a bug though. Hopefully the next update will fix some of these issues for you!
- 2 times the past few weeks I had a fossil mark on the ground but when I dug it up it was a sack of 1000 bells, and if I burried the sack in the same wole, the fossil mark would appear again, not a tree;


I don't believe this is a bug. This is the result of a second player on the island not collecting their glowing spot. It might also possibly be triggered if you go online with a glowing spot and leave it there until the next day. The reason it doesn't become a tree is because you can only make bell trees if the spot is glowing.
I don't believe this is a bug. This is the result of a second player on the island not collecting their glowing spot. It might also possibly be triggered if you go online with a glowing spot and leave it there until the next day. The reason it doesn't become a tree is because you can only make bell trees if the spot is glowing.
I don't play online and I'm the only player on my island so unfortunately it can't be the explanation :confused:
i know that the tree issue with items and wasps can occur if you remove a lot of trees from your island, or if there are more fruit trees than normal trees. if you've been digging up or cutting down a lot of normal, non-fruit trees, that might be why. the sick villager wearing the wrong clothes also definitely sounds like a glitch, but it isn't game breaking, so i wouldn't worry!
There's a certain number of wasps on your trees daily, or so I've read. More trees means less chance of running into them unless you shake/chop all of them. Less trees is the reverse unless again you shake/chop all of them.
- I'm trying to obtain hybrids, I follow the guides I found on internet but I'm not having the right colors. For example, I had black tulips with orange tulips although on internet it says you should obtain a purple tulip with 2 oranges (and a black one with 2 red ones). I'm also trying from weeks to obtain purple pansies and windflowers but I only get red ones... I even had a blue windflower with 2 reds (the reds were obtained with one blue and one red);
You're on the right track for the purple tulips. Two orange tulips may have only a 1/16 chance of producing a purple tulip, so you just have to keep trying. The more orange tulips you breed, the faster you'll get a purple tulip. For getting black tulips, most red tulips will work, but some will not, so it's safest to use red tulips from seed bags.

The red windflowers that you have also only have a 1/16 chance of producing a purple windflower. The fact that you got a blue windflower from two red windflowers means you have the correct red windflowers and just have to keep trying.
There's a certain number of wasps on your trees daily, or so I've read. More trees means less chance of running into them unless you shake/chop all of them. Less trees is the reverse unless again you shake/chop all of them.
awesome, thank you for clarifying! i had no idea you could get less or more each day, i also thought it was always a set amount unless you didn't meet certain criterias (i.e. too few trees).
Regarding the fossil glitch with 1000 bells-

I think this just happened to me. I was trading with someone earlier and noticed on my fly over back to my island there was a "star" on the ground (fossil symbol). This definitely caught my eye since I have all my fossils buried on the other side of my island to prevent re-spawning (I did this last summer and have not seen a single fossil since). I assumed it was a villager's time capsule or something and save and quit the game about 3 hours ago. Then I saw your thread and thought I'd go back and check and the star had turned into the glowing money spot!!! I know for sure this was not there before since this area is normally bare (literally nothing but grass) which was why the star stood out to me in my fly over. Perhaps this is a new glitch with the recent update since I've never seen this before?
Regarding the fossil glitch with 1000 bells-

I think this just happened to me. I was trading with someone earlier and noticed on my fly over back to my island there was a "star" on the ground (fossil symbol). This definitely caught my eye since I have all my fossils buried on the other side of my island to prevent re-spawning (I did this last summer and have not seen a single fossil since). I assumed it was a villager's time capsule or something and save and quit the game about 3 hours ago. Then I saw your thread and thought I'd go back and check and the star had turned into the glowing money spot!!! I know for sure this was not there before since this area is normally bare (literally nothing but grass) which was why the star stood out to me in my fly over. Perhaps this is a new glitch with the recent update since I've never seen this before?
photo evidence I took tonight since the glitch happened again-

