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Is this normal?


Senior Member
May 3, 2013
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This is my 5th day playing and the last three days have all been rain.
Has anyone else got this?
I haven't had three solid days of rain, but I have had it raining every other day. Someone can correct me if I'm mistaken, but isn't the game programmed to go through a rainy season this time of the year?
its been rain in my town for a solid 2 days now,which is cool since its been non stop rain in my city too.the game.....it knows
My rain has been on and off for about 3 or so days now. Rainy season is probably right. I have yet to have one full day of rain though.
Yeah, it's rainy season in Japan. Rainy season is June and the first half of July. Since the game was developed in Japan, that's why you have the rain.
Whybcomplain Rain and lighting are the best things ever. In real life and in games
It rained for the first time in my town today. You're weather is perfectly normal though, wish there was a little more rain in my town though to be honest.
Today is my seventh day of playing and it rained on two of those days, I think. Yesterday and today I've had blue skies. ^.^

Whybcomplain Rain and lighting are the best things ever. In real life and in games

Ugh. I live in a region where it rains an average of 265 days a year. Can't stand it. -.-
Raining 4 days stright in mine. No thunder and lightning though. Not like on the Living fossil tour...or extinct fishing tour or whatever. That was almost scary! Tons of rain, lightning, and thunder! Can't wait until I get some of that in my town.

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There's rain here, I just thought it was mirroring real time weather.

I remember the first time in rained on WW I thought how amazing technology is that it is mirroring real weather! Came to find that it was just a coincidence! Lol
Its been raining in my town for 3 days on and off as well. In game AND in real life. Seriously it is a freaky coincidence how much the real weather resembles my game weather whenever I play.
It's rainy season. Don't worry. Next month it's gonna be dry :/

It thunderstormed in my town a couple days ago. And it's been raining on and off all day today.
Today is the first clear day I've had in 4 days. The grey skies were getting me depressed. Glad they've gone now! :)
Been cloudy all week in my town, and the past two days have been nothing but rain.