Is your state opening up? Do you agree with it?

Im not sure about the rest of the state honestly, but Nashville seems to be doing a "soft open" that sort of feels like ripping the bandaid off and slapping swamp mud on the wound. Most(?) people are wearing masks but i see a nearly equal amount wearing none. No one with gloves. My boyfriend is high risk and I've been essentially forced off of unemployment and back to work. Which in my case is in a mall. A very high traffic mall. Its been super stressful and i got sick (by what i believe to be) due to the stress (only after all of the covid like symptoms went away.) At first I was panicked because if it was covid i felt itd be very irresponsible to keep serving food. My employer felt differently and insisted that i finish my shift. An open to close shift in a high traffic mall knowing full well i was displaying symptoms. I instead found a replacement and went home. That was yesterday. Today I got tested, despite making a decent recovery. Still not feeling well but a lot better. Waiting on those results because i wont be allowed back to work otherwise. Even then, i fear repercussions because i went against what my boss wanted me to do. I feel like everyone in my state, or at the very least this town, is not taking this seriously. It could kill people i care for. It could kill me. I feel like a guinnea pig being tested to see if the virus really is so dangerous. But really i feel like a victim of this system as a whole as the virus isnt even the real problem. Its how poorly our country and its systems as a whole is dealing with it. Its ridiculous.
I have to go back to work tomorrow. We have a bunch of precautions like wearing mask, gloves, and only letting a certain amount of people in the stores at once. We are slowly opening up places but I feel like if anything this will make crowds worse as people are ready to start going places again and the few stores that do open will be where most people will gather.

I actually live with someone with who has direct exposure (healthcare worker) everyday but never came ill with anything. I still wear a mask and sanitize in public as a precaution for others. But I feel like if you're really afraid of getting sick it would be best to stay home. I know this may not be an option for everyone if you need to go shopping for necessitates but if you're concerned about health and safety and are just going shopping because places are opening up, well don't complain if others are breaking the rules. We've actually been told we cannot strictly enforce the store rules of six feet apart and force people to use sanitizer. I know people will complain about this to the employees but if you're out and about you're already risking it.
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chiming in from canada if that’s okay! i haven’t been paying much attention to the news as it’s just depressing but from what i’ve gathered, things were set to be evaluated by the end of may to see how things were and if it was safe to try and begin reopening things. but i saw earlier that the state of emergency has been extended for another two weeks so i think we’re pretty much still closed. most restaurants are delivery only, the reminder of the 2019-2020 school year has been cancelled and the only things still open are essential services.

i think this is the right call. while we certainly can’t live this way forever, it’s best to continue practicing social distancing and trying to keep areas as unpopulated as possible ;;
chiming in from canada if that’s okay! i haven’t been paying much attention to the news as it’s just depressing but from what i’ve gathered, things were set to be evaluated by the end of may to see how things were and if it was safe to try and begin reopening things. but i saw earlier that the state of emergency has been extended for another two weeks so i think we’re pretty much still closed. most restaurants are delivery only, the reminder of the 2019-2020 school year has been cancelled and the only things still open are essential services.

i think this is the right call. while we certainly can’t live this way forever, it’s best to continue practicing social distancing and trying to keep areas as unpopulated as possible ;;
See i wish the USA was being even half as smart
My state is still closed and I don't think it'll be opened any time soon, but I've been seeing some reports about certain areas considering opening up again. I live in New York, and things are pretty bad over here. I do think that we should open up.

I know some of the more suburban areas of NY are starting to reopen work, but I'm not really quite sure what's going on over in those areas. I would assume that things can't be as bad as they are in the city areas, so it makes sense.
My state is opening things back up slowly, but my family and I are still being cautious. I personally haven’t gone much of anywhere and don’t really need to either since I’m working from home.
I'm in the UK and it's a bit of a clusterflip atm - I am from scotland so thankfully have a First Minister in charge who actually seems to know what she is doing and is taking things slow in regards to easing the lockdown. Schools aren't re-opening yet for a couple or months (as opposed to England where they are opening June 1st) and once they re-open it will be smaller, priority, groups that return first. We should be hearing more about the re-opening of shops/restaurants etc soon as well.

England is a bit of a mess right now, my brother lives down there and has been seeing street parties going on around where he stays. The government messaging is SO unclear, and it's costing people their health, and their lives. I just can't believe people are surprised a Tory government, that repeatedly cut funding, and refused proper pay to doctors and nurses, is making such a mess of this situation. I'm certainly not surprised, but I'm still not numb to the feeling and the news I hear everyday is just making me more and more angry. I can't believe the staggering amount of deaths the UK has seen because of coronavirus and the poor messaging laid out by the government, and It destroys me to think that those numbers are being treated as mere footnotes now.

I have to admit, I am personally kind of scared by the thought of going back out. I live with my parents, both in the vulnerable category in terms of their age, and doubly so in the case of my mum who has underlying health conditions. The thought of going out and inadvertently bringing the infection back into the household makes me really worried...
I'm from Sweden and we're not taking this seriously at all as you probably can tell by our death toll.

At first I was in favor of the "soft lockdown" (if you can even call it that). I thought that if people would just follow recommendations we could stay fairly safe without having to shut down society, but after seeing people being so dismissive of recommendations and risks, I gotta say, we made the wrong choice here. There's currently no clear signs that this is letting up any time soon. We should have shut everything down.
My state is slowly opening up, but too many people are disregarding safety regulations and county ordinance that I think this isn’t a smart decision.

The retail store I work at had three security employees assaulted because two men who strolled in without a mask didn’t appreciate being kicked outta the store. One out of the three was severely injured, and he required surgery for his arm, but he couldn’t get same-day surgery because his arm was too swollen.

People want to act like everything will be normal and all right if we loosen up, but this is how the numbers are going to increase. My store manager just wants to make sales and bonuses by cutting our hours and throwing social distancing outta the window unless shoppers complain about it.
opening up the way most people want to open up only works if people aren't idiots about it.

as it turns out, some people are idiots about it.

literally, there was a hair salon that someone went to without telling anyone that they were pending a covid-19 test, got their hair done, then came back with a positive result.

it just makes things worse for everyone...
i have no idea what my state is doing. things need to be open, but it's a damn mess here. businesses have been open where i live for months. nobody really shut down. restaurants have been open for dine in for at least a week or two already on what appears to be a case by case basis, whether the owner wants it to be open or not.

we haven't had a restriction on wearing masks at all. i popped into a bakery the other day that had a 10 person maximum inside, but none of the workers or the other customers were wearing masks. there was a restaurant down the street with easily 100+ people inside, side by side, no masks.

i'm ready for it to explode with the second wave of cases.
i have no idea what my state is doing. things need to be open, but it's a damn mess here. businesses have been open where i live for months. nobody really shut down. restaurants have been open for dine in for at least a week or two already on what appears to be a case by case basis, whether the owner wants it to be open or not.

we haven't had a restriction on wearing masks at all. i popped into a bakery the other day that had a 10 person maximum inside, but none of the workers or the other customers were wearing masks. there was a restaurant down the street with easily 100+ people inside, side by side, no masks.

i'm ready for it to explode with the second wave of cases.
I acknowledge your suffering for it is my own.
The real plague is how f*ing stupid everyone is being honestly
Just saw there are protests happening over something non-corona virus related, in those states I'm sure we will see a resurgence sadly (even if you believe in what you are protesting about, try it in other methods you won't have to gather in a crowd) ):
I don't mind whether a state opens early or not. As long as I'm not being forced to go out into public, I'm going to keep making my own personal decision to stay home for a little while longer. I'm approaching this with a cautious viewpoint and plan to "wait and see", for a few more months. Maybe things are going to be okay, you know? But maybe everyone is being foolish and it's just going to come back worse than before. I'll be watching from where I'm hiding under my rock for now.
I live in St. Louis in one of the counties with higher numbers of cases and there’s a lack of true leadership from the Missouri governor. The state has been reopening slowly and flocks of people were in the Ozarks for Memorial Day weekend, crowded together and partying. Some grocery stores like Costco require masks, but at the local grocery close to me it’s more like half wear one, half don’t. Also seems that most people in gas station convenience marts are stopping in and choosing to not wear a mask either. My sister in San Diego said they are required to wear them out there. It’s a mess and while I understand we can only live this way for so long, the selfish nature of certain people has been highlighted.
It’s opening slowly. The governor actually implemented a mask in public rule starting today, where basically you have to wear a mask in any public space, unless it’s a restaurant or the like. The last I had heard, though, none of the restaurants are supposed to be allowing dine-in customers; only places with outdoor seating can serve customers on the patio, and that’s at half capacity.

I’m still under a personal stay at home order. I go to the grocery store when I need to, but other than that I’m not getting out much.
My state has just begun to open up, but it's doing so in stages. Each stage is 2-3 weeks apart and if there is an uptick in cases, we will go back to the previous stage (more restrictive). Groups of more than 10 people are not allowed and everyone is supposed to wear a mask (a lot of people won't). The problem is that my end of the state is a resort area and people are flooding in from other states, and we are having a hard time accommodating them, since many places aren't open yet.

I've been working all along, since my job was on the essentials list. My boss has done the best he can to keep us safe, but I'm required to deal with the public and often can have several hundred customers a day. That's only going to get worse as the season goes on. I think we're going to see another wave sooner than they had anticipated.
My state has been opening up, but with that being said, we were never on strict quarantine. Things like malls and restaurants and I think movie theaters are opening up, but only with 25% capacity, which I think is nice. It's nice to be able to get out of the house sometimes, and i think it's great for the small businesses in particular :D I understand that it definitely won't help in stopping the spread of the coronavirus, though, so I'm not sure :[ The places that are open are doing what they can though, as Bcat mentioned with wearing masks, and the restaurants I'vebeen to have been using disposable menus and utensils
Even when the quarantine order was issued by the governor, not much changed. Most people never really cared about the virus and continued to walk around as if it wasn’t happening. The only age group I’ve seen with masks are 60+. If all the businesses and schools weren’t closed, you would’ve thought business was going as usual. In spite of the consistent cases, my state has already opened back up. I have never been more ashamed to be an Oregonian.