Island Entrance Struggles


Festive Fossil
May 5, 2019
I've been struggling with motivation to play recently and it's all over my town entrance.
My town hall is super close to my entrance (you can see some lamp posts in the image at the back - those are just in front of the start of the plaza) and I thought the best thing to do would be to build the town around it and let the rest of the island by a natural beauty, but every other island I visit has their town hall somewhere else and they have this beautiful landscaping with waterfalls and ramps and flowers and it's all so stunning but I know I could never make something like that fit.
I really like where my town hall is set, in fact, the two tiles where the town hall door are aligned EXACTLY with the two tiles for the airport and I really like that, because it's unique to what most people have, I just can't seem to find a way to make it look unique AND interesting.
Anyone else struggle with something like this?
It's really getting me down, I can't seem to focus on other areas until I get this bit sorted, and I have no idea what to do. I don't want to spend time planting all those bushes (you can see I'm swapping out fences for bushes) if I'm gonna uproot it all again. :cry:
Your resident services looks a lot farther away than mine. mine is only 8 spaces away and I just made a path surrounded by flowers leading to it. If you moved the villager houses you would have plenty of room for an entrance. Sorry I can’t offer more advice.
Your town hall isn't super close to your entrance, it's really far away. :confused:
There's a ton of stuff you could do there, just start terraforming a proper entranceway and move some of the houses if necessary.
You have quite a unique town hall entrance which is quite nice with the airport alignment in my opinion. I think really just some experimentation there could lead to some nice results after moving the villager houses somewhere else in the mean time. Either terraforming a small entrance way, or possibly custom pathing an entrance. You could have it split off into 2 ways as well right before the town hall.
You have quite a unique town hall entrance which is quite nice with the airport alignment in my opinion. I think really just some experimentation there could lead to some nice results after moving the villager houses somewhere else in the mean time. Either terraforming a small entrance way, or possibly custom pathing an entrance. You could have it split off into 2 ways as well right before the town hall.
The path actually does split! It might be a little hard to see but right behind the first lot of houses is a little market area with stalls that I use for trading with other players. The path wraps around the plaza and leads up to the shops and other houses. Thank you for the advice! I'll shift some stuff around and see what can go where - I don't really want to move the town to a different part of the island. I quite like all the shops and amenities clustered in the corner because it gives the place a great community feel, since all the villagers hang out closer to their houses.
I think you have enough room to add cliffs, waterfalls, flowers, etc., if you move the two houses. Your town hall is in a good spot, IMO. Start terraforming and see what you come up with... you can always change it if you don't like it. I would put cliffs where the houses are with trees lining the walkway up to the town hall.
To be honest, I actually really like how it looks right now. You're doing something similar to me with having an archway when you get off the dock. I change mine out for the season, and will probably customize my tree's bounty arch to white on Sunday, when I get my first snow, and start to slowly transition stuff over for winter. But that's off topic. Yeah, I really like how you have some of your villagers' houses there, and you're doing bushes like that. You could probably put cliffs off to the sides if you really wanted to. They wouldn't be very large, but just a little something if you really want to. Wouldn't hurt to try it out and see. But I like how "easy" it is to get right to your Town Hall. Let the rest of your island be the grand gesture.
Oh wow, I'm jealous that yours lines up! Mine is off by a few tiles :cautious:

You have quite a bit of lead-up there if you want to build a very fancy walkway and/or extend the plaza out.
I think it's pretty nice like you have it, but I think what you might be responding to is having the houses and their yards right there just makes it feel like a regular path, as opposed to an important lead-up. You could maybe play with moving those two houses elsewhere so you have room to experiment and build, or making their yards more symmetrical with each other so it all feels like one big entryway piece?
I had trouble with my island entrance too because of how close it was to the airport (mine is even closer and off by 2 squares when I wanted it to align like yours haha), so I think you have a lot to work with! It could be that you're getting thrown off with having to work/limit yourself to the 2sq path going across the front of your island. I think your residential area around the town hall looks nice as it is, so it might be worth experimenting with path width to see how that balances the colour spaces around your entrances (eg. how much "grass" you see vs how much "dirt" you see). Imo, I think it would be nicer if the "dirt road" felt heavier (thicker) so that it doesn't look like the grass lawn is too overpowering. I always thought it was awkward decorating the space where "grass meets path", so try seeing how you like placing items on extended dirt areas instead of thinking you can only decorate on areas separated by your path.
My Resident Services is very close to my airport, so I have very little space to work with... so I know how you feel.

This is an older image of my island, but this is a good reference of how close it is:


Yeeeeahhh... But right now, I'm kinda planning on making this area a park & garden area.
my resident services plaza is about 4 squares in front and a few to the left of the end of the airport's dock so there isn't enough space to really make an entrance. I made a little welcome area instead with a garden bench and a seasonal lantern on a log stool, and sit there whenever I have a visitor flying in. It isn't much but it still looks welcoming!
I have a simple entrance, but I think it looks pretty. I recently seen some fancy entrances on you tube, and it made me feel bad about mine, so I got to work and made some cliffs and waterfalls. I hated it. I ended up changing it back to what it had been. Trees , bushes, flowers, fences and benches can make a huge difference. Maybe try adding some of those. If you don't like it, you can move things around until you get a look you like. Your entrance looks a bit like mine, with the path and villager placement. You can check out my dream town , if you like. DA- 0700-5178-8683.
I already posted in this thread, but here's a picture of my entrance taken from the plane. I have no space to make a nice entrance. I'm actually jealous of how much space you have

(added another pic)
Hi, don’t know if it helps but recently redone my airport entrance. It’s quite simple and could be adapted to whatever space is available

You have a lot of space to make waterfalls and ramps and all of those things you saw in other people's towns! Just need to move those villager houses and start playing around with terraforming. Your town hall isnt all that close where I'm seeing a bunch of limitations.

That being said, what you currently have at your entrance isnt bad at all and I think it looks quite pleasant. But if you really want to add more nature-y features, just move those houses and see what you can do ^-^