Can you imagine a cranky hiding in fear of little bugs? I can't and wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't heard it straight from the horse's koala's mouth!
Today I said "YES, YES, WHY YES, OF COURSE!" and "NO, NO, AND NO, DEFINITELY MOST CERTAINLY NO!" to two different animals on my island. Boy, am I glad I'm mostlyalwaysusually a very decisive person.
One thing that never fails to put a big smile on my face is to see one of my islanders running up excitedly, calling for me and emitting happy flowers like there's no tomorrow!
Although I had enjoyed playing Wild World and New Leaf, I would not return to either of them. Because New Horizons not only gives us the ability to stop animals from leaving on their own accord, we can actually move villager houses whenever and wherever we like. These are significant game changing features that make New Horizons, as far as I'm concerned, a better game.
Today I ran after Marshal as he ran after a red dragonfly. It made me smile to realize how really little Marshal is. I mean, he's barely taller than the flowers.
I'm beginning to think that these two are best friends now! Yesterday, Claude was celebrating Marshal's birthday with him. Today, they're doing yoga together at the plaza.
Another birthday! This time it's Raymond's! ♥♥ I love Raymond. I gave up 3 days of my life using the campsite method to get Raymond and I have no regrets. He's just the cutest! This morning Joey, dressed in his finest outfit, was there celebrating with Raymond. I took way too many screenshots. As usual.
On this most important day, Raymond also realized something most important about birthdays.
That look of utter determination on Wendy's face is very inspiring! I feel Iike I should start lifting weights too. It's all in the head, right? Mind over matter? The thought that counts? I feel like I'm losing calories just feeling like lifting weights from just looking at Wendy!
Wendy was smiling at the flowers outside her door today. I totally get it. Every day I smile at my plants too. It makes me happy to take care of them and to see them grow. ♥
The leaves are changing colour. Can't wait for autumn to get into full swing with bright orange and red leaves everywhere. I will definitely be making daily foliage screenshots!