Junior Member
Hey! Can i please have this song as a island tune (specifically the tune that plays throughout the song)
TY TY TYSM I edited the third G to be a low E and it is perfect!!@MaidMarian Here is "Whistle Stop | Walt Disney Legacy Collection: Robin Hood":
Low D and E, all other notes high.
It's a little bit inaccurate. To be completely accurate to the original song, the A would need to be an A sharp, but it's just not possible to do in a town tune with all natural notes. It's pretty close, though, and the original is done by someone whistling, which is a tiny bit out of key anyway, so it might not really sound very different after all. ^o^;>
Oh oops@Sophie23 No, I didn't make that video.
Thanks You So Much, i appreciate it^^@VulpineSoda Here is "Come to Light (feat Casey Lee Williams) by Jeff Williams [Arknights Soundtrack]":
All the high notes or all the low notes will work.