Island Tune/Town Tune Maker - Make Town Tunes for Each Other

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Hi could you do a town tune of Downtown Grassland from Kirby and the Forgotten Land? (0:13 - (0:16)

Thanks in advance!
@peachsaucekitty Hi! Here is "Space Trip Steps (Meteor Herd) - Sonic Adventure 2 [OST]":


High A, low D and C.

If you want a more staccato sound like the original song, you can replace the sustain lines with rests (sleeping frog notes).
Does anyone have any town tune requests? I'm always taking them, and anyone can make up to three requests a day, every day, for free. :)
I ran a Town Tune Maker thread for New Leaf for years HERE, and now that New Horizons is here, and town tunes still work exactly the same, I decided to start a new town/island tune maker thread here! So if anyone has a song they'd like me to help them turn into the town tune format, just ask! Whether you're playing New Leaf or New Horizons or any other Animal Crossing game, the tunes I make will work the same in all of them!



1. SEARCH this and the previous Town Tune Maker thread to see if your town/island tune is already made

2. Post a LINK (preferably Youtube and NOT extended) so I can hear your song

3. Specify which SECONDS of the song you want made into a town/island tune

4. Requesting is FREE! Anyone can make as many requests as they like (LIMIT 3 PER DAY)!:)



Rule 1.
Please use the "SEARCH" feature--in both this and the New Leaf edition of this thread, which is HERE--to see if I've already done a song that you want. I've done hundreds of requests, so it's possible a song you want is already made. When you're in the thread you want to search, click on the "search" button and select "this thread." Like this:

View attachment 234228

Rule 2. If you have a request, please post a link to a sound file or a video with the song in it so that I can hear it.
This will also ensure that you will absolutely 100% for sure get the correct song that you want, when I search for songs myself, I sometimes find the wrong one.
(Youtube is preferred, and non-extended videos are preferred as well; it makes it easier to find and replay the few seconds that you want made into island tunes if the video isn't really long. Try clicking on an exact second that you want in a half-hour or longer video. It's much harder than on a five-minute one.)

Rule 3. You can specify which seconds of the song you would like done, if you have a preference.
Please note that Island Tunes are generally able to contain about 2-5 seconds of a song in them. If you don't specify particular seconds of a song, I'll usually just choose whatever melodic bit of music plays first. I'm rarely familiar with the songs people request, so please do not say "do the chorus" or anything similar, because I won't always know what the chorus is for every song. ^o^;>

Rule 4. I make island tunes for fun, and because I like to help people who might have a hard time making them on their own. I don't require any form of payment. I don't have any particular use for TBT bells or anything like that. So you can just say "thank you." :)


In both town and island tunes, there are only eight different tones that can be played, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. There are no sharps or flats. There are a low and a high version of all of the notes except for F, which has only one, right in the middle. I'll specify whether the notes are the high or low version if I create a island tune for you.

- means a sustain (the straight line mouth frog note) and z means a rest (the sleeping frog note).

EXAMPLE: (Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival Main Theme)

View attachment 340654

This would be notated as:


High G and A, low C and B.

(Please be warned that some songs might be in a particular key or at a speed that makes it impossible for them to sound right in the town tune format, although I'll do my best with every request.)

Any requests? Anyone can make as many requests as they like (limit 3 per day). :)
If you're still taking requests would you make a town tune for I love you too much from the book of life please?
Here's the link and the times I want is 1:03 to 1:09
@Rylie._.Rice Yes, I am always taking requests, 24/7. :)

Here is "The Book of Life- I love you too much Lyrics":


Low D and E, all other notes high.

The part you asked for was too long to fit into one town tune while preserving the original timing of the song, so I made it three lines long. You can either use two of the lines as they are, or you can remove some of the sustain lines - to make more notes fit into two lines, but please be aware that this will change the timing of the song and make it sound different.
I'm always taking town tune requests, and anyone can make up to three requests a day, every day, for free. Does anyone have any? :)
Hii! I was wondering if you’d be able to do the intro piano chords in the song Troncat at like 5 seconds into the song please? Thank you! Here’s a link to the instrumental
@MANII_ A chord is multiple notes played at the same time. Town tunes can only play one note at a time, so recreating a chord is not possible. I had to choose one note from each chord to try to capture the feeling of the song, and I'm not sure that it's recognizable.

But here is what I could do with that part of "Tyler, The Creator - Tron Cat (Instrumental)":


High G, low D.

If you'd like me to try a different song, or a different part of the same song, just let me know, and I'll be happy to makek more town tunes for you.
Can you make a Harry Potter Tune please this is for my new island which is going to be Harry Potter themed island
@Sophie23 If I were going to make a town tune for you, I would ask you to post a video to the song so that I could hear it, and for you to tell me which seconds of the video the part you want plays during. But I know that that song is so popular that probably dozens of people have already made town tunes of it. A quick search brought up this one:

And there are others as well.

If this is not what you wanted, please post a video with the song that you want, and tell me which part that you want by specifying which seconds of the video it plays during, and I will be happy to make a new town tune for you.
Hello ^^, Id like to know if it's possible for you to try and make a town tune from the first 4 seconds of this song, if you wouldn't mind ^^?
@Fishstiklvr Unfortunately, the beginning of "Cave Story - Theme Song" contains too many half-step notes in a row to recreate it accurately in a town tune using all natural notes. The most half-step notes in a row that a town tune can do is one, and the Cave Story song has three right at the beginning.

This is as close as I can get with a town tune:


High A, all other notes low.

Or something like this:


Low E, all other notes high.

I've already done a town tune of a different part of that song here, in case that suits you better:

Please let me know if you'd like me to try a different part of that song, or a different song altogether, and I'll be happy to make more town tunes for you.
@Fishstiklvr Unfortunately, the beginning of"Cave Story - Theme Song" contains too many half-step notes in a row to recreate it accurately in a town tune using all natural notes. The most half-step notes in a row that a town tune can do is one, and the Cave Story song has three right at the beginning.

This is as close as I can get with a town tune:


High A, all other notes low.

Or something like this:


Low E, all other notes high.

I've already done a town tune of a different part of that song here, in case that suits you better:

Please let me know if you'd like me to try a different part of that song, or a different song altogether, and I'll be happy to make more town tunes for you.
I still think it sounds good, but i'll also check out the other one. thank you so much. ^^
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