Item Request!

Could you explain them? I always tried to listen to Joan when I (rarely) saw her but I never could quite understand...

It's like this. Buy 999 turnips from Joan for like 68 bells. Sell them to Nook for 100 bells. That would make you a 31,968 profit. This is just an example. You could actually make more if done right.
Could you explain them? I always tried to listen to Joan when I (rarely) saw her but I never could quite understand...

Ok I don't know if red turnips are in the game or not (and btw I'm just going off how turnips work ni CF/WW they might have changed in this game so i donno)
but red turnip seeds can be bought for 1,000 bells - they need to be planted and then watered every day, then after a week (i think it's a week) it can be dug up and sold to nook for 16,000 bells (that's a 15,000 bell profit) - obv they get sold to the alpaccas in NL and like i said i donno if red turnips are in this game

Anyway, in CF, Joan would sell white turnips for 90-110 bells (price would change each weak) I'd only buy then if they were under 100 bells. Anyway, you buy them in stacks of 10, and then you have a week (so until the next sunday) to spend them or else they spoil and are useless (though that's not a problem since you have TBT and there was a turnip price topic so it was easy to gain profit) - anyway, Nook buys white turnips for a different amount every day (he changes his price at noon and midnight [12PM/AM]) he doens't buy them on sunday - his prices range dramatically (i think the lowest recorded it low 40's and the highest is like 600) so there's a huge range between Nook, and the chances are more likely to have prices higher than you bought than less, so you gain profit really easy.

So you go to Nook twice a day, after noon and after midnight, and see if he's buying turnips for a higher price then you bought them for. some weeks he might have low buying prices (50-120) then another week he might have high prices (50-300) - there are some people who claim you can find trends in his buying pattern and it is possible to predict which days he will have higher turnip prices. But I haven't been able to do this. So I donno

Anyway, pretty much just go to Nooks every day and see if he's buying them for a higher price than you bought them and you gain profit. Like I said it is risky since he might have a low price that week, but like I said, there's other people on TBT so just ask around for turnip prices (and I can gaurentee [that words spelled wrong and i cbf to fix it up ok] someone will have higher prices than you) so yeah.

Oh and time travelling causes turnips to spoil and effects the prices

anyway, one thing people need to know about me is I suck at explaining things, so here's a link which explain it (yes I know its a wiki but I have checked it out and it seems pretty valid)

hopefully i helped :)
Mush series! If you have any of the series you don't want, let me know and we'll work something out. :)

I basically sold the entire mush series to Nook :/

Also, I'm still looking for a Samus (Metroid) Helmet
If anyone has Persimmons, please let me know. They're the last fruit I need. :eek:
I know I haven't traded/gone online with anyone from here yet, but I'm after a few items if we can trade.

This is what I have from the Harvest set

Chair, Dresser, Chest, Closet, TV, Sofa, Table, Floor, Wallpaper and Lamp.

I'm trading with someone else for a clock, but I'm looking for a wall lamp and any other item to complete the set. I only really know about the wall lamp, but if anyone has anything else they can trade me (you can get it from the catalog) I'll be most greatful.

In terms of the Mushroom set I have no idea what I need, but I've got the wall lamp, standing lamp, closet, drawers, table (loads), sidetable (loads), wallpaper (loads), TV and I much to the same deal as above, I'm after completing the set if possible. :p
Wanted: Furniture from the Modern Series.
So far I have the clock, bed, table, chair, end table, and lamp.

Thanks. :)
Wanted: Furniture from the Modern Series.
So far I have the clock, bed, table, chair, end table, and lamp.

Thanks. :)

I have the cabinet. Check out the "Turnips at 588!" thread for details. I'll make sure the Modern Cabinet will be there.