its a Friday the 13th miracle!!!

petition to make a wired doll collectible

like this? it has wires xurkitree___ultra_beast_by_vitor_aizen-daq8ry8.jpg
OMG i just saw mine 3 seconds ago and then i saw it again and it's a yellow candy but it's named wierd doll.
It was a prank.
Or the item will change randomly everyday to a new collectible.
But more likely it's a prank.
King Dad is gonna be so sad when he sees this, I feel so baaaaad :-(((((((
technically the wierd doll still lives by name, it just looks like the most disappointing of the halloween candies.
edit: never mind
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"You mean January of 2017?"

Well what do you know? They did it. And I got one of my own!

haha, i had forgotten you said that last year in the Petition thread, nice!

King Dad is gonna be so sad when he sees this, I feel so baaaaad :-(((((((

no way, i'm not sad-- yesterday was awesome!!

i think we all realized that 150 Weird Dolls at 1 tbt each wasn't gonna be permanent, lol. they were either going to eventually vanish like the Christmas lights, turn into something else (i was imagining a pile of ash), or-- what i was hoping for-- turn inactive in our inventories until the next Friday the 13th... and the next one will be in October of this year, so imma hold onto this weird yellow candy, juuuuust in case...

and yellow Weird Doll turning into a yellow candy- how perfect is that! now every time i see a yellow candy here, i'll be wondering, was that a Weird Doll once?

plus Weird Doll being associated with Friday the 13th is now part of TBT canon, pretty cool, lol!

but most importantly, wasn't it great having a Weird Doll, even if it was for just one day?
wasn't it great seeing Weird Dolls all over the site?
in fact, that was better than a small restock of permanent Weird Dolls: having 100 plus members with the chance to own and display a Weird Doll of their own on the most appropriate of days, Friday the 13th!
so no, i'm not sad, and nobody should feel bad-- i'm tickled pink, and i say Thank you, staff, for putting a little something fun and Weird together for us yesterday!

Horus might feel bad though, that's a lot of yellow candy he's stuck with now, rip
haha, i had forgotten you said that last year in the Petition thread, nice!

no way, i'm not sad-- yesterday was awesome!!

i think we all realized that 150 Weird Dolls at 1 tbt each wasn't gonna be permanent, lol. they were either going to eventually vanish like the Christmas lights, turn into something else (i was imagining a pile of ash), or-- what i was hoping for-- turn inactive in our inventories until the next Friday the 13th... and the next one will be in October of this year, so imma hold onto this weird yellow candy, juuuuust in case...

and yellow Weird Doll turning into a yellow candy- how perfect is that! now every time i see a yellow candy here, i'll be wondering, was that a Weird Doll once?

plus Weird Doll being associated with Friday the 13th is now part of TBT canon, pretty cool, lol!

but most importantly, wasn't it great having a Weird Doll, even if it was for just one day?
wasn't it great seeing Weird Dolls all over the site?
in fact, that was better than a small restock of permanent Weird Dolls: having 100 plus members with the chance to own and display a Weird Doll of their own on the most appropriate of days, Friday the 13th!
so no, i'm not sad, and nobody should feel bad-- i'm tickled pink, and i say Thank you, staff, for putting a little something fun and Weird together for us yesterday!

Horus might feel bad though, that's a lot of yellow candy he's stuck with now, rip

You were just so excited when they appeared, I got worried about all the disappointment! I agree, every Friday the 13th has been great here thanks to the woods, and pranking us was hilarious. April Fools was a riot last year. I also agree that, that we all probably knew the dolls wouldn't last, but many of us got our hopes up LOL (I know I did). Anyways, I'm glad to see that you're happy, and that you got to have your "Weird" doll after all! I'm still rooting for you to get a permanent doll one day though ;)
Why did my beautiful turn into candy?

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Hey wait. What if the weird doll can only be original if its Friday the 13th.