It's not really working out is it?

I haven't got 1 but it doesn't matter really..
Isn't this just supposed to be a forum site about animal crossing?
I mean like were 1000x more fortunate then other sites who get nothing like the collectible system here its depressing to see people complain about virtual collectibles why cant we just be fortunate for what we have these days oh and life isn't fair is how I was raised so I guess its okay that the people who don't have a collectible of a cherry don't have 1 its just a forum site isn't it
Can I ask something? BiggKitty, I'm curious, how would you improve it? Maybe if you suggest an improvement to how the cherries are stocked, then the admins might listen.

I think everyone believed that the cherry would be on sale similar to the orange and pear and available to all, and as I just said restocking is a pretty low key task. I am not clever enough to devise a better system but with all you bright young things out there, I am sure somebody could, if anyone cared enough, which I have my doubts.
I have the cherry and am stating a fact not complaining.
The chocolate cake is a collectible that is occasionally but seldom restocked, the cherry is a collectible that on release was stated would be restocked every week and all members who wanted one would be able to get one. I have also seen it written more than once that there is no schedule for restocking the shop, it is purely when Jeremy finds the time to do so. Fair enough, he is busy and restocking the shop is a pretty low priority task.

I have pointed it out that the original statement " Everyone will have a chance to get one" is not being fulfilled.

If it's that extreme of a problem, to where a majority feels they won't get a chance to get one, then I think if enough players advocated this it may be best for admins/mods to consider alternate distribution methods. As one user stated, make suggestions. Stating a problem does nothing to solve it except propose that a problem is present.

Admins/mods could always move this to be unlimited stock, bi-monthly, but have it locked after a single trade (similar to birthstones). It's less work, but still fulfills the "everyone will have a chance to get one" statement, but maintain some form of rarity. Sure, people can't really profit much with it being released more/limited trades allowed but it lightens the burden of restocks and allows people to be happy. Again though, this would only work if a majority of the community agreed the cherry distribution is unfair.

Unfortunately there will always be hoarders and there will always be someone who misses out for whatever reason, be it timezone or forgetfulness. There's really no way to make it fair for everyone, but prices range from 200-600 TBT which isn't as pricey as some collectibles. So many people want things fast and now, but would a week or two of quality posting really kill anyone who wanted a cherry?
I don't spend a lot of time on these forums but when I do I have found many kind and generous people, Biggkitty is one of those people and she has gifted me many of my current collectibles as I don't post enough to build up tbts.
I do wonder though why collectibles can't be bought one per person per restock, many members would benefit then rather than a few
lucky individuals who are around at the right time and have the tbts to buy all the stock at once ?
I don't spend a lot of time on these forums but when I do I have found many kind and generous people, Biggkitty is one of those people and she has gifted me many of my current collectibles as I don't post enough to build up tbts.
I do wonder though why collectibles can't be bought one per person per restock, many members would benefit then rather than a few
lucky individuals who are around at the right time and have the tbts to buy all the stock at once ?

Bigkitty seems like a very nice and generous person and has always been polite in the few interactions I've had with them. My comments weren't really directed at them, more so to others who are just posting "stop whining, umadbro" comments. Very few replies have no purpose really being here. Posts are made to communicate and discuss the topic matter, not the user who posted it.

Personally, I would like to see one collectible limited per person, but at the same time I'm no saint. I've sold my extras for TBT, and it's convenient, it's also preferred by some people because they like only one or two collectibles and collect multiples of them. Examples are Karen and her chocolate cakes or Kammeh and all her easter eggs. Some people like having the same collectible and I think by putting a limit on it you'd find more rage then there is now, haha.

My suggestion is poorly planned, but maybe instead of limiting the amount you can have, limit the amount of times it can be traded to stop people from hoarding them for a later date. There will still be those sharp clickers who buy the whole stock, but it's some progress.

As it stands, I doubt things will change much and we'll really just have to go on admin/mod time which although inconvenient, does pour new cherries into circulation. It may take time, but cherries will eventually fill the market in plentiful amounts. The amount of time just depends on how many times it's restocked.
Cherry restocks don't matter THAT much, but, if there was to be something to fix this issue, I would recommend doing the same thing that happens, only have a limit of 1 purchase per person for the cherry collectible. No flaws attached. However, there are loads of cherry collectible sellers who sell for relatively cheap, so if someone really wants it, they could just buy it from them - I mean, it's not like people sell them for LOADS.
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Cherry restocks don't matter THAT much, but, if there was to be something to fix this issue, I would recommend doing the same thing that happens, only have a limit of 1 purchase per person for the cherry collectible. No flaws attached. However, there are loads of cherry collectible sellers who sell for relatively cheap, so if someone really wants it, they could just buy it from them - I mean, it's not like people sell them for LOADS.

basically my thoughts here. i have never been very fond of hoarders, however. (meaning the people that run out and buy everything in two seconds) sure, they had the money and they were there, but i dont like them in real life either =P oh well.
Couldn't there just be a way to limit a person to only retrieving 1-2 at a time so that people will stop whining about them stealing all of it? >_>

Or put more and regularly release them like promised. uwu
Remember, just because you may see something as just pixels or that they don't matter doesn't mean other people don't. If this is how you feel, then maybe you shouldn't buy them and just leave them for those who care.

Be respectful to other people's feelings.

This. I don't think people are being very nice to the OP. I think she's making a valid case for people who are new to the site, and just want 1 of each's supposed to be fun. Yes, hoarders have a right to do as they wish. Yes, mods work hard and it's appreciated. But we can let them know what we like and dislike, respectfully, so they can work on making the site more enjoyable for EVERYONE, instead of just a few that dominate. I love TBT, and enjoy my time here, and so I'd like to see it be better.

Having said that, maybe a 1 only limit is too restricting, as part of the fun is to do trades and the TBT market a limit would be good, but maybe 3 only. So a person can buy 1 and trade 2. Gets things circulating, without allowing one person to dominate all others.
Not sure why everyone can't just shut up and be respectful to each other. Of all the things to argue about...
Okay, I wanted to stop in and say that the way I responded earlier was a little on the angry side. I'm sorry for the way I acted, but mods don't have any control over shop stuff, and our admins are extremely busy with other things inside-- and outside the website. We're all doing our best to try and keep stuff moving, but on the list of priorities, I'm fairly sure collectables aren't at the top.

Again, sorry for the way I acted, but try and understand we're people too, we don't sit here to cater to everyone's whims.
Well, to me a forum board is where topics ought to be discussed. The Bell Tree HQ covers TBT bells, collectibles, signatures and the like. Many of the threads started could be answered if the originator bothered to read the stickies that have thoughtfully been provided to explain how Bell Tree operates. So, take all those threads out of the equation and the ones that shouldn't be in situ in the first place and there is not a lot left. I know nothing about signatures, so when I try to think of a subject that could be discussed sensibly if people wanted, I am limited, and I will add the disclaimer that what I actually put in my threads is not necessarily what I believe.

Unfortunately my threads instead of doing what I hope they might do by creating a discussion where members can air their views and perhaps useful ideas may be put forward; gather a lot of useless comments, where the author has more fun attacking me than offering their thoughts on the topic in question. Those replies do not upset me as I put it down to immaturity, but I simply can't resist saying, "How come I just never realised that they were only pixels?"

I have never been trying to criticise the mods and admins who I think do an admirable and often difficult job in sometimes very trying circumstances. They have my heartfelt respect and should be commended for making Bell Tree what it is today. However, It seems I manage to upset mods too which was not my intention so I also apologise for my misguided attempt at creating a discussion.

Am I banned from creating any more topics, or can I carry on upsetting everyone?
We(the mods, with the blue names) don't really have any access to configuring what is in the shop. We can bring it up with the admins but at the end of the day it's up to them when things get put into the shop.

Discussion of it is fine, but most topics involving our collectibles tend to go south quickly because of impatient people wanting to vent out their frustrations instead of discussing it in a civil manner.

As was mentioned above, there are other things going on right now, both involving the site and not, that is causing the shop to be a little behind schedule. When things get cleared up I'm sure there will be an announcement somewhere that it's been stocked.
We(the mods, with the blue names) don't really have any access to configuring what is in the shop. We can bring it up with the admins but at the end of the day it's up to them when things get put into the shop.

Discussion of it is fine, but most topics involving our collectibles tend to go south quickly because of impatient people wanting to vent out their frustrations instead of discussing it in a civil manner.

As was mentioned above, there are other things going on right now, both involving the site and not, that is causing the shop to be a little behind schedule. When things get cleared up I'm sure there will be an announcement somewhere that it's been stocked.

One more gemstone for your collection, and then you help campaign for a third row, another of my past topics that as you so aptly say "went South"

- - - Post Merge - - -

We(the mods, with the blue names) don't really have any access to configuring what is in the shop. We can bring it up with the admins but at the end of the day it's up to them when things get put into the shop.

Discussion of it is fine, but most topics involving our collectibles tend to go south quickly because of impatient people wanting to vent out their frustrations instead of discussing it in a civil manner.

As was mentioned above, there are other things going on right now, both involving the site and not, that is causing the shop to be a little behind schedule. When things get cleared up I'm sure there will be an announcement somewhere that it's been stocked.

One more gemstone for your collection, and then you help campaign for a third row, another of my past topics that as you so aptly say "went South"

- - - Post Merge - - -

We(the mods, with the blue names) don't really have any access to configuring what is in the shop. We can bring it up with the admins but at the end of the day it's up to them when things get put into the shop.

Discussion of it is fine, but most topics involving our collectibles tend to go south quickly because of impatient people wanting to vent out their frustrations instead of discussing it in a civil manner.

As was mentioned above, there are other things going on right now, both involving the site and not, that is causing the shop to be a little behind schedule. When things get cleared up I'm sure there will be an announcement somewhere that it's been stocked.

One more gemstone for your collection, and then you help campaign for a third row, another of my past topics that as you so aptly say "went South"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Seems to have been a nasty echo above, sorry for that
It's been discussed. From what I remember originally it was only going to be one row because the two rows caused some clipping issues with other options under the profile picture, but we managed to fix it by removing the location option.

So we could possibly put a third row but we may have to get rid of another information option. But don't rule anything out.
two members buy the lot in order to sell at a profit.

I gave away most of the ones i bought XD If my memory is correct I sold one to regain my bells :)

I'm sorry you didn't win my giveaways, and I hope you get one soon. :(
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I giveaway most of the ones i bought XD If my memory is correct I sold one to regain my bells :)

I'm sorry you didn't win my giveaways, and I hope you get one soon. :(

I have had a cherry since the day they were released and have never entered any cherry givaway
Hmm... then why are you crying?

uh... she clearly stated why she posted this discussion -- on behalf of other members, not just her. =/ its very plainly stated in the comments.