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I've been lying...


Apr 29, 2020
Throwback Tickets
So theres something that I've never told anyone on this site, I've been trying to hide. But know how many friends I have on this site, quick shout kit to @Lightspring @Xeleron @azaleastouch SO MANY MORE, I've been acting/saying I'm older than I actually am, I've only just turned 19... I didnt want to say, i didnt want people thinking I would sell my body or stuff like that. I've now seen how open minded people are on here can be, after reading/seeing HOW MANY support threads or just threads to make people happy are! These past couple of months have been tough for EVERYONE including me (not trying to go all oh woe its me) my grandparents have passed due to the virus and being pregnant was a struggle, my boyfriend is the best though (we've been together for around 4 years)! My babys due next month and as excited as I am, I'm DREADING it. Does that make me sound evil? The whipe pregnancy has been filled with anxiety and depression but I never wanted to give up! So to my friends on this websites and potential future friends please dont hate me for being pregnant at 18, you can have an opinion but PLEASE dont hate me because of it! Thank you to everyone, and excited for the new delivery! ♡♡♡
Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry you've felt this way. You're right that this has been a trying year for all of us, but you are going to be starting 2021 with a new baby, your boyfriend at your side. That is something to be joyous about.

Yes, you're young, but my mother wasn't much older than you when I was born, so even if there are bumpy times (and I think the fact of having a baby includes bumpy times, age notwithstanding), you have so much to look forward to and enjoy.

I wish you all the best in your last month of your pregnancy and hope you'll keep us informed once the little bundle arrives.
Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry you've felt this way. You're right that this has been a trying year for all of us, but you are going to be starting 2021 with a new baby, your boyfriend at your side. That is something to be joyous about.

Yes, you're young, but my mother wasn't much older than you when I was born, so even if there are bumpy times (and I think the fact of having a baby includes bumpy times, age notwithstanding), you have so much to look forward to and enjoy.

I wish you all the best in your last month of your pregnancy and hope you'll keep us informed once the little bundle arrives.
Reading this made me smile, I need to adapt to a new way of life. I guess I'm just scared about it because of how young I am, like what if in TOO young? Questions like this rattle around in my brain but this baby will bring joy
Reading this made me smile, I need to adapt to a new way of life. I guess I'm just scared about it because of how young I am, like what if in TOO young? Questions like this rattle around in my brain but this baby will bring joy
My grandmother used to say that if everyone waited until they thought they were ready to have a baby, no one would ever have a baby. ;)
There’s absolutely nothing to feel ashamed, my own mother wasn’t that much older than you when she had me. Having a baby can definitely be stressful during these times, but you have your boyfriend with you who has been alongside you for 4 years! That’s amazing! I hope for a safe delivery for your baby and that everything will be okay. You seem to care a lot about your baby and for a good reason, being a first time mother for anyone no matter what age you are can be scary. I’m sure that you and your boyfriend will love them all the same. Even though we all might be strangers, there are support threads for a reason and there are many people here that will be cheering you on, whatever happens. ❤️
There’s absolutely nothing to feel ashamed, my own mother wasn’t that much older than you when she had me. Having a baby can definitely be stressful during these times, but you have your boyfriend with you who has been alongside you for 4 years! That’s amazing! I hope for a safe delivery for your baby and that everything will be okay. You seem to care a lot about your baby and for a good reason, being a first time mother for anyone no matter what age you are can be scary. I’m sure that you and your boyfriend will love them all the same. Even though we all might be strangers, there are support threads for a reason and there are many people here that will be cheering you on, whatever happens. ❤
Tysm, this baby means so much to me. I already with all my heart, but that lingering fear may be there for a while! Iim scared to be left alone with my own thoughts, nighttime is a dread. I just lie there and think thing like "what if the baby gets sick" "what if I get sick" an blablabla
Tysm, this baby means so much to me. I already with all my heart, but that lingering fear may be there for a while! Iim scared to be left alone with my own thoughts, nighttime is a dread. I just lie there and think thing like "what if the baby gets sick" "what if I get sick" an blablabla
That’s totally understandable! I’m sure you and the baby will be fine as long as you take extra precaution. Maybe have your boyfriend run errands for you? 😆 Just kidding, I‘m sure he would be more than glad to here and there. I know that you’re being extra cautious, so I’m sure that your baby will be born healthy in no time! 😊
That’s totally understandable! I’m sure you and the baby will be fine as long as you take extra precaution. Maybe have your boyfriend run errands for you? 😆 Just kidding, I‘m sure he would be more than glad to here and there. I know that you’re being extra cautious, so I’m sure that your baby will be born healthy in no time! 😊
He is so kind! Always helping me especially during these times, hes helped me tremendously
So theres something that I've never told anyone on this site, I've been trying to hide. But know how many friends I have on this site, quick shout kit to @Lightspring @Xeleron @azaleastouch SO MANY MORE, I've been acting/saying I'm older than I actually am, I've only just turned 19... I didnt want to say, i didnt want people thinking I would sell my body or stuff like that. I've now seen how open minded people are on here can be, after reading/seeing HOW MANY support threads or just threads to make people happy are! These past couple of months have been tough for EVERYONE including me (not trying to go all oh woe its me) my grandparents have passed due to the virus and being pregnant was a struggle, my boyfriend is the best though (we've been together for around 4 years)! My babys due next month and as excited as I am, I'm DREADING it. Does that make me sound evil? The whipe pregnancy has been filled with anxiety and depression but I never wanted to give up! So to my friends on this websites and potential future friends please dont hate me for being pregnant at 18, you can have an opinion but PLEASE dont hate me because of it! Thank you to everyone, and excited for the new delivery! ♡♡♡
I had my first son at 19. Everything will get better!! When you hold that sweet baby in your arms, nothing else will matter.
Congratulations! 💜 Send you virtual hugs and lots of love. One of my coworkers is also due next month, so I can only imagine how much are on both your minds as you're preparing to deliver your little ones, in addition to you still grieving your grandparents. 🙏 It's wonderful that your significant other is supportive and helps you out whenever he can.

Your feelings are valid. I would highly doubt anyone who claims they are 100% ready to be a parent. It's okay to figure things out as you go, and you sound very motivated to dedicate the care and effort into raising your child, which -- to me -- is already half the battle won. :3

I wish you all the health and happiness that you and your family deserve and a successful + safe delivery!
First off, congrats!! 🎉 Secondly, it doesn’t matter how old you are. So long as you’re emotionally stable and financially secure, then you’ve already got everything you need to be a good parent.

I get that some people out there might shame you for your choices, but you’re an adult. You can do whatever you want with your life at any time you chose to. Don’t ever let anybody tell you otherwise!

I have no doubt you’ll make a wonderful mother. You’re an incredibly kind person (from what I’ve seen of you on the forums anyways) and you seem devoted to your baby already! It’s wonderful that you have such a supportive boyfriend too!

Sending you a great big internet hug, along with high hopes for a smooth delivery and a healthy, happy bundle of joy. ❤️ 💕👶💓💖
acnh.eclipse I would like to share my story with you. Once upon a long time ago I was a manager of an establishment and actively trying to have a child, I had 2 previously they were in their mid teens. Everyone knew about this we were a tight team and often shared personal things. I hired a girl at 15, she had to wait until the day she turned 16 to start, she had a set of twins who at the time were 2 years old. Not long after that 2 other employees came and told me she was preg at 16 and had made the choice to abort, they apologized over and over again, I begged them to not abort and allow us to adopt the baby. After a few days they came back and said yes. I was so happy! But life has a way of mixing things up in a totally unexpected way. They went for an ultrasound the same day as my apt with the fertility doctor, and the girl with the twins met with her social worker. I was told I was preg! We all worked together the next day, anxious to share our news. The mom with the 2 year old twins was granted weekend visitation (the babies were in a group home type place because mom was so young), the couple had the ultrasound and were expecting twins, and their families had come together and decided they wanted the babies and made living arrangements so school could be finished, and I told them it was wonderful because I was preg to! It was a struggle, time went on, the mom of the twins was granted more time with her boys because she was working and had her own housing with a good support network. The other twins were born, the couple went on to graduate HS and took college classes. My daughter was born, she is now 21. We supported each other and were there when we needed help along with the other employees also. Our patrons also enjoyed watching Mommy Elaine and all her children progress. None of us were judged or put down for what we were going thru, 2 very young moms and 1 "old" mom(I was 38), You are the same age as my eldest son had his second child, his first was with an ex who didnt take care of herself and she lost the baby at 20 weeks. All these babies are adults now, BTW I had a 4th naturally he is 20. My eldest grand child just turned 18. You need to look at yourself as a young woman now, no longer a child. I almost feel like that is the root issue, you arent seeing yourself as others see you. For some people making the transition from child to adult is quite difficult. I have seen so many young people over the years and the transition flows quite naturally, for others its like walking off a raised draw bridge. You are strong, and it sounds like you have a good support system, you can do this! I want to also send condolences on the loss of your grandparents. I lost both my grandmothers one the day my eldest son was born, the other the next day, my family opted not to tell me for 2 weeks because it was a difficult c/section. It may seem like the pain will never stop, but it lessens over time. even though its been almost 40 years I still will go back in my mind and sit in their home to chat with them. Best wishes and congrats on your baby!
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! I know it can be kinda scary going into the unknown but trust me, after your baby is born you won’t even be able to imagine life without them. It’ll be especially hard the first couple of weeks until you get the hang of things, but even then life will throw you other curve balls and you’ll have more hard times until you get the hang of things again. Don’t ever give up and hang in there, know that it will get better and you’re not alone. Just remember that it’s okay to be grumpy sometimes, to have bad days, to struggle, to make mistakes, to say the wrong thing, to feel overwhelmed and under-appreciated, and to be all out of sorts. Motherhood is synonymous with struggling, we’re all just doing the best we can and you’ll do great no matter what! Just remember to always be patient with each other (you and your boyfriend) as you take on this leap into parenthood together! Good luck and best wishes to you and your family! ~ෆ
This is nobody's business except yours, so you didn't have to come clean, especially since I don't think most people knew about this. Dreading having a baby isn't evil. Some first mothers have postpartum depression after giving birth. I'm not saying that it'll happen to you, but if it does, it's understandable. We all have our own secrets, and that's up to you or anybody else who doesn't want to open up about them. I'm sorry your grandparents passed away from the virus, and I hope everything gets better for you.
Hola mi querida amiga! First of all, I don't think there's anything you need to apologize about, it is completely understandable for you not to want to share your real age and not necessarily because you're going to be a young mom, but because this is a public online forum and that's personal information you didn't feel like sharing at the time and that is ok! I also want to wish you a huge congratulations on your little one, I hope you're able to deliver a strong and healthy baby!! 🙏👶
From your post I feel like there was a bit of shame for being a young mom, but I don't think anyone has the right to judge you or your decisions, technically you're already an adult, and from the conversations I've had with you, I believe you are more than capable or raising your baby despite your age. Heck, I've known of high school sweethearts that got married after college and started a family soon after and they've been happy ever since, there's no reason to believe it won't be the same for you. Bringing a new life into this world, will definitely be a challenge and life changing, but ultimately it will be so rewarding at the end of the day; even if you don't connect with your baby immediately, just give it time.
My condolences for your loss, loosing family members is never easy, but as time goes by, you will be able to think about them without it hurting as much. Mi más sentido pesame para ti y tu familia.

Wishing you the best of luck! 💕
Gracias por sus condolencias a mi familia, y su mensaje me ha hecho vivir que puedo hacerlo! Has sido muy comprensivo, junto con todos los demás muchas gracias, I translated from Portuguese to Spanish so sorry if it's a it wrong lol
Aw, congrats on your pregnancy. It's your life, make of it what you will. You won't be the only teen mom you'll know, and you are old enough to be able to care for yourself and a baby. I wish you a safe and fast delivery. 💞