ok ye i read the post where liam was excited to see the flip and hes gotta b town after that
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@Maddie my questions from earlier def
would like a reply to my minicase:tm:
also I'm curious why you think liam voting there is sus
i was kinda like super tired at that point so my reasoning skills werent the best but im p sure i thought liam was jus trying to look like they had a strong read and put pressure on the new player to crack as mafia without any reasonable evidence to back him up, when in reality they had no real read in the first place and were jus looking to make filler content. i still think my read of liam as mafia holds water up to the point i posted, but now im reading them more as a hyper active and excitable town (so basically me a cpl yrs ago)
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ask me questions still figuring out how kat came to conclusion that im scum
but ye honestly tl kat now scum kat has no reason to not jus join bw against liam and vote with tea and i at that stage of the day, we shes doing now makes sense only from a town perspective tbh
also ik i said this 15 mins ago but it is dumb, kat could easily jus b flip flopping onto me for a bit to see where my opinion lies and then switch vote at eod. still tr but not lock, jus putting this out there as dumb as it is so im not nailed for switching my tl without saying if i end up sring them by eod
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also also would rather not rly spend time responding to the case bc was mostly jus u saying i was being noncommital, would rather jus answer direct questions if they arise and work on reads, mostly of u and tea
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ok chat is back to being jus me for a bit again ig xd
@geoni: does mafia have an open chat going on atm or no if thas a question i can ask? interested if i can make a case for a newbie like tea using terms fed to her by her team
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What are your thoughts on me and tea?
rn ur a tr for me based off ur last few posts and general attitude/personality, and idk abt tea still working on reading through stuff