Day 76. Last night the hotel didn't have wifi, so this will be yesterday's blog. Since it's late, today's blog will come at a later date. Anyway, today involved a ton of driving. From our hotel in Ohio, we pretty much drove straight to Gettysburg with very little stops, mainly just for meals. Once we got to Gettysburg, it began. And by it, I mean learning every single detail about the battle in a day. The first thing we did was, after driving around the town, tour the battlefield. We learned many details about Picket's charge, the generals, etc. After that tour, we went to our hotels to settle in, then to eat supper. After supper, we took a nighttime tour of the battlefield. It was cool, but the cold weather really got to me. It wasn't the most enjoyable thing I've done, but it was still cool. After that, it was back to the hotel. And that's a pretty good summary of the day, at least for 11:00 at night the next day. Tune in tomorrow to at least find out what I did today, if not also what we are doing tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get caught up eventually. Until then, seeya!