Selling ✿ Japanese letters ✿

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I'll buy your 4 last ice creams please :)

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Or 3 xD
7k + Blue Feather + Cherry for yellow letter? I've had my eye on that for sometime. This isn't like everything I have, I can negotiate.

Edit: Just saw you weren't interested in the blue feather. I can get you a green one instead.
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Good luck selling! <3

7k + Blue Feather + Cherry for yellow letter? I've had my eye on that for sometime. This isn't like everything I have, I can negotiate.

Edit: Just saw you weren't interested in the blue feather. I can get you a green one instead.
Tbh the only feathers I'm really interested in is the pink feather and the white feather (will never happen).
I'll keep your offer in mind though!

Rated this post 5 stars! :)
Oh, thanks xD;

Good luck~
Thank you :blush:


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