Jav's Jumbo Giveaway!

I'm officially leaving the building!

I'll be back in about 9 hours or so to check answers so keep those guesses coming.

Also, 3Dewdrops has made a list of numbers guessed if you would like to check that out to improve your chances~!

Numbers that have been called as of 12:21pm. I'm not sure if it's perfectly accurate. Notice there are 2-3 scribbled out numbers because of rule violations. (350, 336)
The number in the box is what it ends with. The tiny numbers jotted around are the hundreds place that has been guessed. For example the "1" box. 101, 301, 401, 501, 801 and 901 have been guessed.
http://s256.photobucket.com/user/malisa2424/media/Giveaway numbers/DSC_0545_zpsgjqjlgtg.jpg.html

The list has been updated til about up to this page:

See you all later!
aw man I just got home from work, I've missed out on the number guessing shenanigans :v

I'm still gonna throw in some cheeky guesses if that's ok :^)
