Hey, sorry for late reply! It's been hard navigating the website update. I'm down to trade a ticket for the costumeI have a yellow and purple striped jester costume. I could do a NMT for it!
I agree, the website is slightly overwhelming! I can let you come into my town and grab it in about 5 minutes - that okay?Hey, sorry for late reply! It's been hard navigating the website update. I'm down to trade a ticket for the costume
Sounds good, just send me a code whenever you're ready!I agree, the website is slightly overwhelming! I can let you come into my town and grab it in about 5 minutes - that okay?
Sorry, I've already gotten the black mask!I'll trade you a black jester mask for a throwback gothic mirror!
I already have that one, it's the red/blue, but thank you for reaching out!Do you need this colour costume? PM me if so https://drive.google.com/file/d/11hV1l-XtVhahrnM51wJmAwuc08J76COs/view?usp=drivesdk.
I don't think I have this combo! What would you like in exchange for it?Hi, I have a orange and green stripe jester costume
Sounds good, would you prefer me come to yours or vice versa?Would you trade for your Candle?