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Retired Staff
Jan 5, 2005
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Red Candy
Well I used to be able to juggle kinda, i got bored last week and made a few juggling balls out of duct tape, and I am getting better again.

anyway anyone here know how to juggle?
It's gotta be the weirdest/coolest/most useless thing ever... it's quite the variety...

I have a friend who does it... he chucks flaming knives in the air and catches them with his hands and teeth... I don't know what it is about flaming fire that is so freaking cool, but it's awesome to watch.

and it's also the most useless thing in the world, because nobody makes money juggling, and if they do, that doesn't mean you will. >.>
No its real people doing real talents... Its basically a show like American Idol and created by the same people too Its reality tv
I've tried, but I can't. Unless chucking a single ball in the air, and catching it is juggling.
Well if i got extremely good at it i could make money, but it is more of a time wasting hobby that keeps up my hand eye coordination.... It also hypnotizes small children! Then they are quiet for five minutes, which while might not seem a long time, it is still very nice

Copper said:
No its real people doing real talents... Its basically a show like American Idol and created by the same people too Its reality tv
umm... maybe you didn't notice it, but "reality tv" is all fake... most shows have strings attached as well, American Idol is run by having booths outside to meet the contestants, then send the good, bad, and ugly in to see the judges, thats why you see these "horrible" people singing, then these "great" people singing, and you never get one thats medium.

Don't believe anything you hear on TV. >.>
Don't you remember my old signiture back when I was "Xemnas"? I had purple juggling pins in there.


And I just got in a shipment of MB Juggling Stage balls from Jugglingstore.com!


...No joke....

I know plenty of tricks, and can juggle 5 rings...but only up to 4 balls, and only 3 clubs.
Make fun of me all you want, but I find it fun... and I've been juggling for a year now come the day before Easter...

Gengar said:
Don't you remember my old signiture back when I was "Xemnas"? I had purple juggling pins in there.


And I just got in a shipment of MB Juggling Stage balls from Jugglingstore.com!


...No joke....

I know plenty of tricks, and can juggle 5 rings...but only up to 4 balls, and only 3 clubs.
Make fun of me all you want, but I find it fun... and I've been juggling for a year now come the day before Easter...



I am probably never going to get that far ... as of recently I have duct tape balls, but before that it was strictly fruit, oranges to be exact, there were a ton extra at camp after many meals, so I started practicing, I only new the basics fom a unit in gym I had I think freshmen year, hadn't really tried until this last summer again. but yeah I am getting better

SPORGE27 said:
Gengar said:
Don't you remember my old signiture back when I was "Xemnas"? I had purple juggling pins in there.


And I just got in a shipment of MB Juggling Stage balls from Jugglingstore.com!


...No joke....

I know plenty of tricks, and can juggle 5 rings...but only up to 4 balls, and only 3 clubs.
Make fun of me all you want, but I find it fun... and I've been juggling for a year now come the day before Easter...



I am probably never going to get that far ... as of recently I have duct tape balls, but before that it was strictly fruit, oranges to be exact, there were a ton extra at camp after many meals, so I started practicing, I only new the basics fom a unit in gym I had I think freshmen year, hadn't really tried until this last summer again. but yeah I am getting better

Keep working on it!

Juggling 4 balls isn't all that hard. Once you can juggle 2 in your right hand, and 2 in your left hand at the same time, you can juggle 4.

As for rings...they're pretty easy...doesnt take too much practice.

And clubs...yeah...theres a lotta pain in the process of learning those. >_<
[quote="Shadow_] Jugglers forever! [/quote]
*high fives*

How's your juggling been comin' along, by the way?
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