Buying Kain's Art Addiction Awakens!! ❣ SUPER ART REQUESTS ❣ REF SHEET ADDED FOR OPTION 2!!

Yeah! That's fine :3
I know you're technically full or whatever, so I understand the increase xD

not full anymore c; got a jumpstart on commissions, feelin sUPER productive rn lmao. but okay! i will have to do this after commissions and art trades c:
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Oh yay!!
I'd love a style 1 from you :D
any ideas on which OC from 5? ^^

Why especially from me? xD no problem though! :3
It's alright! Bumblebee?!?! xD is that the red one on the top row? Orrrr girl on the top right corner?
Any's fine though tbh, lol. And most of my avis have white/pale blue/pale green skin (they help the outfits pop out more to me)
And yeah, of course!!

AH, ty!! It's so cute, I'll send over the payment ~
Thanks so much!!

Tbh, idk which one to pick. XD can you pick one?

Tbh, idk which one to pick. XD can you pick one?

Oh gosh xD uhmmm, maybe one of the circled ones? Idk haha, I have too many ; ^;
I can do the first one and the thrid one. : ) 500 BTB for each chara?

Would it be ok to just do one for now? ^^ I only have about 6k saved atm, and just wanna make sure I'm able to get some variety in the art I can get.
If I save a bit more though, will definitely get the other done by you! :3
Would it be ok to just do one for now? ^^ I only have about 6k saved atm, and just wanna make sure I'm able to get some variety in the art I can get.
If I save a bit more though, will definitely get the other done by you! :3

Sure! I'll do the first one, then. Please send me the BTB. :)
Username: Gabi<3AnimalCrossing
Art examples: My_lineart_(Set_also_for_exaple_of_artwork).jpg
What you'd like to draw: Your Mayor & Villagers
Asking price for art: I dont really mind,Give me whatever you think its worth.

Thanks for this opportunity.