Oh no D:
Are slots full now? :c
I was going to submit a request for a shop banner.
Also, do you do bump banners? It'd basically be a shop banner but with bump text on it? xD
Shop Name: could I put specific text instead of just the shop name?
Welcome to Zodiac ((in bigger font))
Oli's Variety Cycling ((in smaller font))
Specific Font(s): Use the Carima font you used for my lovely signature please~
Specific Colour(s): ..Could you maybe make the top line (Welcome to Zodiac) a gradient of these 12 colors in this order? >~< I PROMISE I'm not asking just to be difficult, it's actually relevant to the town name and theme..
#a10000, #a15000, #a1a100, #626262, #416600, #008141, #008282, #005682, #000056, #2b0057, #6a006a, #77003c
And then for the second line, a gradient of these 8 colors in this order?
#00d5f2, #ff6ff3, #f2a400, #209401, #0715cd, #b536da, #e00707, #4ac725
Shop Information: Not sure what to put here? It's for my new cycling thread ><
Shop Slogan?: n/a
Animated/Non-Animated Banner?: yes if only because the background I'd like is a gif, thank you!
Title Banners?: none for now (I'll be back for these later xD)
If Yes, How Many Title Banners?: n/a
What do you want on title banners?: n/a
Shape of Banner: Rectangle with rounded top, please
Border?: (yes/no) Dotted, please, in this color? #2ed73a
Extras: Could the text have a very
very slight white (or whatever color) glow on the edges to make it stand out from the background just a bit, maybe? ;v;
Total: I think it's 35, but if you want to charge more I'd totally understand because my order
is a little on the ridiculous side