Kid, could you shut the **** up? We get it, you don't like the concept of the game. You don't have to post about it so many times.Kirby in mech armor fighting alien robots from another planet.
Gee, what could possibly go wrong?
Dude I am so hyped for this!!!!!!! It looks super cool and cute and I love how you can use your powers with the mechs! plus doctor kirby is really cute.
Yeah! I think I'm really gonna like the multiplayer boss battles a lot. I wonder what purposes Doctor Kirby will have in single player, since it seems that all he can do is heal other players. Maybe his healing powers will hurt enemies?
Doctor Kirby uses pills and potions to attack. I like the concept, but Scientist would be a better title imo
I got it on release day. I still need to finish the true arena and collect every sticker. Man though, the true arena is very hard. I've gotten close, but that final boss.
I have yet to actually play the game and I have owned one copy of the game since Saturday the 4th of June. XD
Ah no... I had one copy since the 4th of June. That was six days before the release date. *winks*Wow, just one copy? You're slipping!