✨ Kiwi Bay🐠

Island/Town Name
Kiwi Bay
Native Fruit
Native Flower


✿ ༚ ˳✧༚
Apr 29, 2020
So I'm going to start an island journal after I got to the credits 😭 I wish I would have started it sooner but oh well.

I named my Isle Kiwi Bay, because I thought it sounded fun and cute. It was kinda a last minute decision too lol. Idk if I prefer it named after the bird or the fruit, but I guess it depends on what someone thinks it's named after. Kiwi like the bird would make more sense because kiwis live in New Zealand and it's an island so😂
Residents so far:


Bold= Keeping

Here are my dreamies:
Dom (The only jock I actually like enough to want on my island, however that may go for almost everyone)
Daisy (better than Goldie imo, just sayin 0.o)

There's more but I haven't come up with a complete list since I love so many of them!
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I hate terraforming, not much terraforming but the struggles that come with it like spending half a mill on moving all my villagers home s then making a mistake and having to move them again💀
I hate the fact that my museum doesn't directly align with my town hall. My OCD is killing me with that but I'm going to have to find away around that even though it will probably bug me in the back of my head until I eventually forget or move it😭
Anywayyyy, the museum cafe and star gazing areas are comple for the most part, now to wait 2 days for the inclines lol. I would like some zodiac items for the star gazing area but I don't have any yet. I'm afraid to put star frags as decorations because someone could potentially steal them :|

Also, Robin moved in today and I don't like her one bit. She's quite rude :mad:
Most uchis are when you first meet them but Robin even looks rude.
I can't wait until one of my villagers move because rn the villagers I want most are Raymond and Daisy. I hope a Raymond amibo card comes out soon lol.
Ahhhh so ik it's been awhile since I have updated but I thought I would just share a little story!

I was out dreamie searching, and I was looking for Daisy. I only had two tickets, so I thought I wouldn't get anywhere, but I thought I would try anyway. On my second ticket, there she was! I couldn't believe it, the amount of luck!

The second time I went dreamie searching, I was looking for Marshal, i had 11 tickets this time. on my first island I got Merengue, (is that how you spell her name?) anyway, I liked her and I know she's super popular but not who I was looking for. On my second island I got Audie! I love Audie, but still, not who I was looking for and the amount of luck I was having, I had a feeling I would get Marshal. A few more tickets go by until I'm on my last ticket, none of the islands had the villager I wanted so I was hoping I would at least get a somewhat decent looking villager on my last try, and there was Audie, again! It was like it was meant to be lol. So of course I took her and I love her and now we are best friends 🥺