Cycling Koriko [BOXES: Boomer the lazy penguin] [MOVED IN: Cesar the cranky gorilla]

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Sparro the jock bird has moved in.

Purrl the snooty cat is 'in boxes.'


I am giving Purrl's lurker a one hour exclusive chance to claim her, after which anyone may claim her. I will be available for the next two hours. When I leave, it will be about four to five hours until I return, so if Purrl is not claimed by the time I leave, she should be available for that much longer.

Edit: Just realized Purrl makes me think of Usher's Clockwork Orange-like look in 'My Way.'
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I wanted to move on with cycling, so sorry to those who might have adopted her.


Flora the peppy ostrich has moved in.

Elise the snooty monkey is 'in boxes.'


Anyone want her?

Curlos the smug sheep has moved in.

Daisy the stubborn move-out normal dog is 'in boxes.'


I will give the lurker a one hour exclusive chance to claim Daisy, after which anyone may claim her.

Annalise the snooty horse has moved in.

Simon the lazy monkey is 'in boxes.'


Simon's lurkers have an hour exclusive chance to claim him, after which anyone may claim him.
Yay! My daughter is gonna be so happy :3

Add her FC, it's 1736-1639-2916 and I'll add yours! Thank you so much! Let me know when your gates are open :3
Ah, your daughter's FC. Sure: adding it now. I will VM you again when ready to open the gate.

- - - Post Merge - - -

May I lurk for Flora? :)
Never had her before and I'd like to see what she's like!
Yes, of course. All lurkers get VM notification when their wanted villager is 'in boxes.'

Simon has been adopted.

Benjamin the lazy dog has moved in.

Jacques the smug bird is 'in boxes.'


A half hour for lurkers to claim Jacques, after which anyone may claim him.
I think you got Benjamin from my daughters void, cause he just recently moved out of her town. I'm not sure though lol
Thank you for letting me know, so that I might inform anyone interested in picking him up (I know some people can be fussy about adopted villagers not starting out 'original').

aww, man. I missed out. :( I was busy cleaning rat cages.
I still have Jacques, actually.
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