
Since this is a thread about KPOP and it's asking opinions, I'm weighing in.

Please dear god someone tell me how to block kpop on Twitter I swear to god stop telling me who to stan.

And stop posting ****ing kpop vids as a response to everything.
what are people?s thoughts on some of the comebacks lately? my personal favourites have been LOONA, GFRIEND, Everglow and BTS? Ego, I also really enjoyed Cignature?s debut!

I've only checked loona's and honestly not really a fan of So What nor did I like their album. I actually had high expectations since lee soman worked on it. Eventually I'll check on gfriend and everglow when I have time. Is Ego BTS' new track? I avoid them like plague lol Its not them but their fans just ruined the group for me.

Since this is a thread about
KPOP and it's asking opinions, I'm weighing in.

Please dear god someone tell me how to block kpop on Twitter I swear to god stop telling me who to stan.

And stop posting ****ing kpop vids as a response to everything.

Thank god I left twitter long ago. I've seen what you mean and god are the kpoppies now so annoying.
I've only checked loona's and honestly not really a fan of So What nor did I like their album. I actually had high expectations since lee soman worked on it. Eventually I'll check on gfriend and everglow when I have time. Is Ego BTS' new track? I avoid them like plague lol Its not them but their fans just ruined the group for me.

Thank god I left twitter long ago. I've seen what you mean and god are the kpoppies now so annoying.

Ego is a comeback trailer, the new main track is not out yet. They also have a new MV called Black Swan with contemporary dancers, perhaps you would like it since they are not in the video. ;) I used to feel the same way with EXO, for a long period I couldn't listen to any of their song because it reminded me too much of the fandom, but after a long break I'm ok now. I also stopped reading comments under videos which help a lot.
i just listened to loonas new ep and i have to say i r e ally like it. my favourite songs are probably so what and ding ding dong.
also the so what mv is AMAZING
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i wouldn?t really consider myself a fan of kpop but i don?t hate it; there?s a couple of songs i like from 4minute, bts and a few others but that?s about it aha
What I can't stand is the effect of the bands, not the bands themselves, what I hate most are the fans, really. They created this bizarre idea that they have a responsibility to propagate and call as much attention and money for their idols as possible. They treat their idols like characters and not like people (i.e. shipping them, fetishizing them, archetyping them, making headcanons about their own personalities, stalking them, etc). They can't properly interact with people who disagree with their tastes or belittles their idols. Scrolling through Twitter threads of kpop fans is a wild ride to say the least.
Ah, well, there are a few things that are messed up about the bands themselves, though... Anyone heard of the rigid training, dieting, controlling the companies make the singers endure? Spine-chilling stuff that, if the fans truly cared about their idols as much as they say they do, they'd be rioting against. So, yeah.
I'm generalizing the fans here, though, I know not 100% of them act like this, just the most vocal part of them.
Nope- K-Pop isn't my thing, personally.

Plus, since I've read into the less than stellar lifestyles some of the stars have to live, the whole over the top glitz and perfection is absolutely killed when I think about how much is sacrificed to obtain it.

Fame is pain!
I don't like it, but I don't really care about it either.
I used to like it a bit back in 2011-2012 i guess but now i just don't care about it at all even started to not liking it mostly because some of its fans
Twice's Japanese album is incredible. I listen to Fake or True/ Trick It/ Breakthrough more times than what is considered a healthy dose of Kpop, haha.
Twice's Japanese album is incredible. I listen to Fake or True/ Trick It/ Breakthrough more times than what is considered a healthy dose of Kpop, haha.

Yes! Twice’s Japanese releases are always so underrated, their latest album is a masterpiece
i think its a good genre; the music sounds a bit more complex than american pop and the lyrics don't get on my nerves because i don't know what they're saying, but i don't go out of my way to specifically listen to it. this is just a side note since it's kinda related to the topic i really dislike the kpop stans on twitter!! they're everywhere and it's kinda freaky but that doesn't affect my opinion of the music.
Ego is a comeback trailer, the new main track is not out yet. They also have a new MV called Black Swan with contemporary dancers, perhaps you would like it since they are not in the video. ;) I used to feel the same way with EXO, for a long period I couldn't listen to any of their song because it reminded me too much of the fandom, but after a long break I'm ok now. I also stopped reading comments under videos which help a lot.

I actually listened to black swan. A friend was telling me about watching a video where ashton kutcher and james corden were playing hide and seek with bts and decided to check out their performance.

Everglows choreo for their new song is strong but not as good as 'Adios'. As for Gfriend 'Labyrinth' is really good!

I feel you on that. I used to stan EXO and being in that fandom as they got more popular was really hard. I know all fandoms have their bad fans and not everyone is like that but when someone says some dumb we all just look bad. But I will say a big reason I don't like kpop as much as I used to 14 years ago is because of the fans. I know many are minors but I wish they'd grow up.
My opinion. I used to be really into it. But, twitter is a thing and a bunch of the fans are extremely toxic people that like to post fan cams on serious threads, or just be overly annoying and stalkerish. Whenever I think of K-Pop now I just think of these people that give the rest of their fanbase a bad name or reputation. For the record I know that not all of the fans are like this but it's a very loud minority that really just ruin serious topics by posting their crap cams on it.
Yep, fans are incredibly toxic and all. :/
I've mostly seen it on Twitter and discord servers, plus the really boring Youtube comments. I'm pretty sure this gets people the idea that all Kpop stans are overprotective. (I's literally anybody)

I'll leave it on this I found earlier
Ah yes, Mamamoo sings Japanese
Yep, fans are incredibly toxic and all. :/
I've mostly seen it on Twitter and discord servers, plus the really boring Youtube comments. I'm pretty sure this gets people the idea that all Kpop stans are overprotective. (I's literally anybody)

I'll leave it on this I found earlier
View attachment 231123
Ah yes, Mamamoo sings Japanese

THANK YOU I hate that so many people think that all kpop fans are crazy and intense and toxic when on the whole most are normal fans - it makes it harder for people to say that they like kpop as they’re worried they’ll be judged

also on the subject of MMM!! have you heard Moonbyul’s new song?
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My Chinese friend has introduced me to some K-POP. I really like the songs Kill this Love by Blackpink and Boy with luv by BTS for example.
also one thing that has left me flabbergasted these years is how korean fans feel so entitled to their ~oppas~ and drop them when they find out they're dating. they're human beings like all of us and doing things an actual human being does. just because these idols say i love you and/or my fans are my girlfriends (cringe) doesn't mean they belong to you. the whole jongdae thing was wild. yeah so it was shocking dropping news that he's getting married and being a father but lmao seeing them so butthurt about it is wild like damn sorry u didn't get his d*** ?????? and someone else beat you to it l o l