Draco Roar
Senior Member
Sign Me up aswell!
I meant time, not date. AN EXACT TIME, I might add. Also, timezone.Trela said:It starts this weekend. Probably around in the afternoon. You'll have about 2 or 3 days to do your matches, so it's ok if you miss Saturday.
Yey Birthday Tremlah. C:ryudo_dragoon said:Happy Birthday bump for Trela. =D
As long as no one disappears, this'll be fun. :s
Happy Birthday TrelaTrela said:I do love DSi's!
And Ice Cream Sandwitchez. AND Lee helping me work the DSi. Too goodz.
Btw, the Tournament isn't full, so you can still sign up. Hurry!
i don't think I've ever chain grabbed you :rryudo_dragoon said:Yes, you're stalling and chain-grabbing annoy the hell out of me. :rHorus said:ADD ME PL0X
grr at the chain grab part/stalling