Stargazer741 will be disqualified, so everyone will get a win for it but it won't count towards your total matches. Less than an hour and a half to go!
As mentioned, the games need to actually be played for points to be earned. It's okay (and expected) if you can't play against everyone. Reporting fake matches is considered cheating, so I hope this hasn't actually happened in this tournament because it can result in a disqualification. If you already did without knowing, let me know I can remove the points.
I never really smash so had a lot of fun getting to play with people in a tourney! I'm sorry again for my unforseen absence the second half of gaming week though :/
Before we distribute the bells, please let me know if you notice any mistakes. It's always possible when inputting this many scores. Due to the round robin format, this tournament had more matches than any other on TBT.