*stretches* OKAY EVERYONE!
Now that the Winner's Bracket is almost over, I think it's time to start the Loser's Bracket. I'm planning the Tournament to end next Saturday, but if it doesnt, it's ok. I'm still gonna try though xD
Anyways, the Loser's Bracket starts today! I'm giving everyone in Round 1 and 2 of the Loser's Bracket to finish their match(es) Sunday. Monday, we will start Round 3: Loser's Bracket. Each Round (starting Round 3 and up) will have 1 DAY to finish their matches, no johns! I really wanna get to the other Tournaments I have planned. They're awsome, too!
So, here are the current matches to be played today. Unless you have an excuse, they need to be finished today!
Round 1: Loser's Bracket
Asora Vs. xeladude
Fernee Vs. cornman64
Caleb Vs. Draco Roar
technoxmaniac Vs. Kiley-of-leafvill
As for the Round 2 matches: they need to be finished BY Monday. Seriously, try to do it today!
Round 2: Loser's Bracket
chubsterr Vs. Hub12
Supaluigi62 Vs. Horus
QNT3N Vs. bananaoracle
Jake123 Vs. xYoh
Good luck to you all! Just in case, I'll PM ALL of the players in these Rounds.