L. O. Y. A.

cornymikey said:
Trela said:
Lol I hate 1 Vs. 3's...

And NO! Silver + Me! NAO.
you anus. fine, but if me and bcb lose badly, ill secretly change teams. *snickers maniacally*
[SARCASM]Hey... I could still take on all of you three![/SARCASM]

Anyway, make room Mikey.
Lol that happened to me once.

KK host again Mike. You and bcb are Red; me and Silver are blue.
Silverstorms said:
PieDisliker said:
I dunno. Were you three lagging when I wasn't playing?
Not really.

Now look at my other post.
Yeah me too.

Hmm.. I've done a few team battles perfectly fine before. I usually never ever lag.