L. O. Y. A.

cornymikey said:
err, i just realized something. almost every brawler here has some weird name: Trela, Cofee, Silver, Xyoh... why am i the only one who uses his actual name? :eek:
You act like you've never faced me.
Yetiman15 said:
cornymikey said:
err, i just realized something. almost every brawler here has some weird name: Trela, Cofee, Silver, Xyoh... why am i the only one who uses his actual name? :eek:
You act like you've never faced me.
oh, oops, well then, i mean most people. :D
cornymikey said:
Silverstorms said:
Me and Hub were imitating people the other day.

it was fun :D

My Coffe > Hub's Trela
lol, my lucario is very awesome now, i pretend im trela whenever i use it. :D

its so *censored.3.0*ing annoying when people immitate my Falco, they don't understand anything i do and usually spam his F-Smash
Horus said:
cornymikey said:
Silverstorms said:
Me and Hub were imitating people the other day.

it was fun :D

My Coffe > Hub's Trela
lol, my lucario is very awesome now, i pretend im trela whenever i use it. :D

its so *censored.3.0*ing annoying when people immitate my Falco, they don't understand anything i do and usually spam his F-Smash
I used to main falco first, and i never copied yours and i never spam anything.
and what you do is shoot your lazzors when youre far away or wait for someone to come up to you then chain grab the hell outta them. T_T
Silverstorms said:
Me and Hub were imitating people the other day.

it was fun :D

My Coffe > Hub's Trela
Let's have anotha go Silver!
Hub12 said:
Silverstorms said:
Me and Hub were imitating people the other day.

it was fun :D

My Coffe > Hub's Trela
Let's have anotha go Silver!
so obsessed with brawling silver! :D

and theres something wrong whenever i brawl you online, hub. when i join you with my router connection, i get disconnected, so i have to change to my crappy DSL provided server and it works then.
cornymikey said:
Hub12 said:
Silverstorms said:
Me and Hub were imitating people the other day.

it was fun :D

My Coffe > Hub's Trela
Let's have anotha go Silver!
so obsessed with brawling silver! :D

and theres something wrong whenever i brawl you online, hub. when i join you with my router connection, i get disconnected, so i have to change to my crappy DSL provided server and it works then.
I get DCed whenever I try to join Hub too.

And no Hub, your Silver Ness got owned by my Trela Diddy.
Silverstorms said:
cornymikey said:
Hub12 said:
Silverstorms said:
Me and Hub were imitating people the other day.

it was fun :D

My Coffe > Hub's Trela
Let's have anotha go Silver!
so obsessed with brawling silver! :D

and theres something wrong whenever i brawl you online, hub. when i join you with my router connection, i get disconnected, so i have to change to my crappy DSL provided server and it works then.
I get DCed whenever I try to join Hub too.

And no Hub, your Silver Ness got owned by my Trela Diddy.
Shush you..

Silverstorms said:
cornymikey said:
Hub12 said:
Silverstorms said:
Me and Hub were imitating people the other day.

it was fun :D

My Coffe > Hub's Trela
Let's have anotha go Silver!
so obsessed with brawling silver! :D

and theres something wrong whenever i brawl you online, hub. when i join you with my router connection, i get disconnected, so i have to change to my crappy DSL provided server and it works then.
I get DCed whenever I try to join Hub too.

And no Hub, your Silver Ness got owned by my Trela Diddy.
oh, i guess hub's router thing prevents certain servers?
and diddy is so damn annoying with the bananas. thats why i love to use it whenever I use all my primary characters enough.
cornymikey said:
Silverstorms said:
cornymikey said:
Hub12 said:
Silverstorms said:
Me and Hub were imitating people the other day.

it was fun :D

My Coffe > Hub's Trela
Let's have anotha go Silver!
so obsessed with brawling silver! :D

and theres something wrong whenever i brawl you online, hub. when i join you with my router connection, i get disconnected, so i have to change to my crappy DSL provided server and it works then.
I get DCed whenever I try to join Hub too.

And no Hub, your Silver Ness got owned by my Trela Diddy.
oh, i guess hub's router thing prevents certain servers?
and diddy is so damn annoying with the bananas. thats why i love to use it whenever I use all my primary characters enough.
Mr. G&W reverse rapes Diddy Kong. :)
ryudo_dragoon said:
cornymikey said:
Silverstorms said:
cornymikey said:
Hub12 said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
so obsessed with brawling silver! :D

and theres something wrong whenever i brawl you online, hub. when i join you with my router connection, i get disconnected, so i have to change to my crappy DSL provided server and it works then.
I get DCed whenever I try to join Hub too.

And no Hub, your Silver Ness got owned by my Trela Diddy.
oh, i guess hub's router thing prevents certain servers?
and diddy is so damn annoying with the bananas. thats why i love to use it whenever I use all my primary characters enough.
Mr. G&W reverse rapes Diddy Kong. :)
Pshhhh! Sure, ryudo. :p
Dang. I need to keep up with this Thread, and I wanna get this Tournament over with. Please, if you finished your match, tell me! I've given the early Rounds now like 3 days, so after today, no excuses...

And lol. It feels good being imitated :D I liek being Azen and Lee sometimes lol.

Mike: Once you learn how to deal with Diddys, it gets SOO much easier. Diddy is my favorite match up for Lucario now.

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For RYudo. :p