L. O. Y. A.

xeladude said:
Hub12 said:
xeladude said:
Hub, you speak Spanish?

We can have some exhillarating conversations with that
Me es No comprende Espanol.

El Diablo es xYoh. Si!
You are just like my friend. He can't speak Spanish, and he also uses very basic Spanish like you. He also has Brawl. His name is John. What's yours? He also likes Kingdom Hearts.
Oh noez, stalker.
And by being here, the government says he's a pedo. D:

Everyone, run away!
*parachute jumps away*
I'm here now. So many pages accumulate so fast in such short time...

I would just like to say something: This Tournament SUCKS BIGTIME. It is my fault that most players didnt advance, like Draco Roar. He has it really hard, since he's got Waluigi's time I think (or like an hour or 2 ahead of him :O). I said I would PM the player's in the Loser's Bracket, and I didnt. But xeladude, I (think) I do remembering PM you saying you advance since Asora doesn't want to do it, and I'm sorry for not PMing you when you had to fight Toad. I do thank you though for actually doing the match with him even though I already advanced him. I'd also like to thank the players who are here and ready to do their matches everyday.

I'd just like to say that this Tournament has been ran poorly. I wanted to get this Tournament over with because I have personal things going on right now in my life, and this is getting in the way of that. I'm gonna stretch this Tournament out for another 3 days, so this Tournament will end May 18th. Tomorrow, if all of the remaining players are on, we can (probably) finish the Loser's Bracket.

I promise, the next Tournament I'm hosting:

1. I'll have a Co-Host or 2.
2. It'll be for a couple weeks, so it'll probably go on till June.
3. I WILL PM all of the players before and when their matches come up.

...Now with that GARBAGE said, Mike, Azila went to a friend's house, so you're gonna have to do it tomorrow. I DO NOT want to advance you, because my sister is the most ANNOYING thing when I dont advance her. She'll start arguing with me, and I hate arguing. Hub, Toad, xeladude, and Ryudo, thank you for doing your matches while I was gone.

xeladude said:
No prob. I can be your co-host, i'm very active on TBT. I noticed Im good with martha woot
yeah, youre pretty active, but most of the good brawlers have a crapload of posts, like me. :p
I'll have to PM the people who I choose for Co-Host.

OH, just so yoll know, tomorrow is the Monthly Rankings 2 over at TTC, and I cleared the list, so if you wanna be on it, join this Tournament! And yes, IK that the Mods suck there. To me, I dont think they do. I'm (kinda) like fwiendz with 2 Admins, too :p

And yes to whoever said that the Threads are gone there. I lost my Rankings Thread over there because of FREAKEN ZAY. Ugh...
